MACA IS INVOLVED IN EVERYTHING! Bora Santana spoke to after her release from prison! He revealed all the details, why he was on the wanted list and what fate awaits him: I SURVIVED HELL!


How is the portal I already wrote a few days ago, Bora santana He was arrested at the Batrovci border crossing, and since we learned that he was released from prison today, we called him immediately to tell us what exactly happened.

Photo: Bogdanović

After speaking with the attorney, Bora called us and told us the whole story, and admitted that this all had to do with Mac Discretion.


– I just broke up with a lawyer, they let me go. I was arrested because I did not respond to the summons for the 2018 trial, when I was sued by a woman, some fans of Maca Diskrecija, for a threat, but she did not sue me, I had no conflict with the girl, even when my grandmother died and she expressed her condolences, I congratulated her on her birthday in Zadrugovizija, I have no conflict with her, there were some fights there and her fans sued me for endangering their safety, which is complete nonsense. I did not answer the calls because I was actually there, and they say that my dad received a call, but he tells me that he never received anything, he was abroad at that time, and the neighbors said that I do not live there at all, which is a lie , I am connected in that direction. That’s why they issued an order, I passed Batrovci normally, I was greeted by the customs officers who recognized me and then they saw that I was in order, but everything was in the best order, the police escorted me to Mitrovica. I was in a cell with convicts, I cut myself, what stories I heard, I did not bathe for three days, I was afraid, I did not know why they arrested me, as if I were a criminal. The prisoners, the workers, recognized me, they know I was in the Cooperative, it was room 2 with 2, I heard all kinds of stories, but they gave me a sheet, a plate, those things are not given in any other way, thank you for that . Mikisa’s manager sent a lawyer, he took care of everything, now I’m awaiting trial, I guess they should call Mac to give a statement, but that girl didn’t even sue me, and they should call that woman … I survived hell – he told us is Bora, who finally admitted to us that she is eager to go home to take a shower and rest.

Photo: Bogdanović

Author: Nemanja Vujčić
