“LET’S GO TO STEFAN’S GRAVE, AND THE GUILTY GOES WITHOUT PUNISHMENT” Relatives of a young man who tragically died in an accident in 2018 IN SHOCK


Lazar Tanić (22) was sentenced on Monday at the Niš Court of First Instance to 22 months in prison for causing a traffic accident, in which Stefan Mitić (25) from Malošište died on 1 July 2018.

The family of the injured young man was petrified when they heard in the courtroom how much Tanić received, writes “Kurir”.

– The verdict is incomprehensible to us. I don’t understand how someone can receive only one year and 10 months, when a sentence of two to six years in prison is prescribed. So, he was sentenced to a prison term that is less than the minimum – says indignantly Nikola Mitic, brother of the late Stefan, adding:

– Let’s go to Stefan’s grave, and the culprit will go virtually unpunished. In addition, his lawyer asked for a suspended sentence to be imposed, because it is the first act of this kind committed against him. What to say after that? Hit the cars and ask for a suspended sentence, because that way you didn’t even kill one person.

The place where the traffic accident occurred.Photo: BRANKO JANAČKOVIĆ / RAS Serbia
The place where the traffic accident occurred.

Mitic says he will appeal the verdict within the legal term, although he is aware that “he will not remove his brother from the grave either.”

Let us remind you that the traffic accident happened on July 1, 2018. Stefan Mitić walked with his friend along the regional road from Malošište to Niš.

– They were returning from a night out when Tanić shot down Mitic in a “Mercedes”. It was moving at a speed of 55 per hour and climbed on the hood, recalls the source.

He adds that Tanic had a test permit.

– Tanić partially admitted his guilt in court, saying that he was not the only culprit, because supposedly Stefan and his friends moved not on the road, but on the road, as if they were drunk – recalls the interlocutor.
