He went to the lake for the first time and drowned


ČOKA – Goran Ostojić (19) from Podlokanje near Novi Kneževci, drowned in front of his brothers and others on Saturday afternoon, in the wild pool of the lake from which sand is mined, which is located between Crna Bara and Mokrin. The day after the terrible tragedy, there was no living soul in the lake.

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Kurir’s reporter, at the entrance to the lake, found an inscription: “Private property. No entry and bathroom.”

In the courtyard of the injured young man’s family home, which is four miles from the lake, silence and disbelief are occasionally interrupted by the sobs of the inconsolable mother Daliborka and her youngest son Bojan (16), who was with her older brother at the time of the tragedy. On the fateful Saturday afternoon, her older brother Dalibor (22) and her friend Božo Elezović (22) were with her. The unfortunate Ostojićs say that none of the four young men is a swimmer and that Goran went to that lake for the first time to swim:

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“The four of them went swimming in the car. Goran’s older brother told him not to go into the water.”

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The moment Dalibor went to the car to get his cigarettes, a roar was heard. Bozo yelled:

Dalibor, Dalbor, save. Goran is drowning. “

Everything happened in an instant.

“Dalibor informed me by phone what happened. With four other people, I got in the car and headed to the lake. The road from our village to Crna Bara is very bad. When we arrived, Darko Jovetic from Podlokan immediately entered the water and” A a depth of about two meters, he found Goran’s lifeless body. We made a ‘chain’ and pulled it out. Upon the arrival of Kikinda and Choka’s ambulance team, the doctors could only conclude that he was dead, “Milan Ostojic, his uncle, said of the injured young man.

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By order of the competent Prosecutor’s Office, an autopsy of the body was ordered at the Novi Sad Forensic Medicine Center, in order to determine precisely the cause of death of the young man. Goran Ostojić left behind inconsolable parents, twin brothers Dalibor and Boris, younger brother Bojan and eight-year-old sister Anastasia.


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Author: delivery courier
