Kon: The number of daily tests is not decreasing, we are far from a favorable situation.


The epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff, Predrag Kon, warned that the situation in Serbia is far from being a favorable epidemiological situation and urged citizens to continue implementing measures to prevent the increase in virus activity.

“The number of people being tested at kovid clinics in Belgrade on a daily basis due to suspicion of kovid has not decreased in the last two weeks. With the return of passengers from abroad and school attendance, there may be an increase virus activity, “he said in a post on his Facebook profile. .

Therefore, the measures must be implemented, as Kon said, especially the ban on gathering more than 30 people, which, with strict respect for anti-epidemic measures, was approved only for cinemas and all cultural institutions in large numbers.

“There is no better time to go to school, because in a few weeks the situation will probably get worse. Now there are repeated indications that younger children are not good carriers of the virus, and the experience from kindergarten is that children they rarely get kovida 19 “. mostly with mild symptoms, “she added.

Kon appealed to everyone to avoid the filling of hospitals “which, with the onset of the epidemic, become a kind of hospital”, to help, as he said, ourselves and health workers.

“An appeal, a request and even a call for understanding, especially from young people. We can do that … With great respect for the suffering so far and understanding for all the indignation,” Kon concluded.
