WHO IS THE EASIEST TO GET A JOB These are the most wanted jobs in Serbia


When choosing a profession, young people and their parents are often asked which profession is the easiest to get a job.

After doing some research on this topic, they make the decision to enroll in school or college, all in order to make it easier for the young person to get a job.

The director of the Employment Sector of the National Employment Service, Neda Milanović, explained to the SrbijaDanas portal, which are currently the most sought after occupations in the labor market.

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According to her, in addition to the IT profession, which is the absolute winner in the speed of employment, in Serbia these are currently the most sought-after professions for which education is obtained in secondary vocational schools, namely: electricity, cables, mechanical technicians, nursing technicians, nurses, cleaners. premises where health services are provided, ambulance drivers, construction workers (mostly construction machine operators), salespeople in retail establishments, workers in packing-packing products, in the field of textiles (tailors), hygienists , caregivers.

Among academics, physicians, medical specialists, economists, mechanical engineers, and managers are the easiest to hire.

– What we can say is that the employers, through the manifestations of labor needs, expressed the greatest needs for the employment of the following professions: textile seamstress, auxiliary mason, assembler of electrical cables, construction technician, mechanical technician , truck driver, nurses, electrician. , then managers, preschool educators, mechanical engineers, financial economists, physicians, medical specialists, these are the occupations in which the greatest interest was expressed in the previous period, Neda explained.

Unfortunately, the scholars who have the hardest time getting a job are those who have completed some humanities. According to Ned, they are mostly art historians.

Regarding secondary education, Neda explained that people whose occupations have become obsolete in the meantime and for whom there is no longer a need in the labor market are the oldest in the unemployed records of the National Employment Service.

– According to the data available to the National Employment Service, the highest retention of educational profiles is the number of people in the records of the National Employment Service in relation to the number of registered vacancies: textile and leather in occupations: spinner, weaver, leather and fur processor; in the field of mechanical and metal processing in the professions mechanical technician, agricultural machine mechanic, textile machine mechanic, metal turner, agricultural machine operator; in the field of agriculture, food production and processing in the professions of technician in fruits and wine and agricultural technician for the production of plants; in the field of forestry and wood processing, in the professions Wood Processing Technology Technician, Wood Lathe Processing Technician, Settlement and Landscaping Technician and Forest Cultivation Technician; in the field of economics, law and administration in the professions of assistant typewriter, typist, administrative technician, bureaucrat, legal technician, lawyer – these are some of the professions that are currently the oldest registered – said Neda Milanovic .
