This is what excited her and what she didn’t even want to look at!


The most famous young star in the world kim kardashian secretly stayed in Serbia three years ago. She toured the natural Uvac Reserve with the Travel channel team on September 1, 2017. Then they recorded a program about this part of our country, all through the Sjenica Tourism Organization.

Kim was enchanted with the beautiful nature, but also Serbian specialties, which Slavka Nikolić prepared for her and her colleagues. The team of journalists stayed in Uvac and found Slavka, who recalled meeting the wife of rapper Kanye West.

Few people know that Kim was in our country. We had the opportunity to see her, because they brought her through the Sjenica Tourism Organization to film a report for the “Travel” channel in India. They didn’t stay long about two hours. Here, she was sitting at this table, “Slavka said as she showed the place where Kim was enjoying herself right next to the artificial lake.

Nikolic also recounts how the Kardashian behaved.

Nice, cultural and fine. It was obvious that it was enchanted with nature and being in Serbia. I served him cake under the sack which I prepared, as well as paprikash with sour cream, but she didn’t even want to taste it. He was looking for a carbonated drink and he tried our traditional drink: brandy. She is a beautiful, friendly, pleasant, relaxed, natural woman. There were about fifteen of them in the group. They filmed a report on Uvac. She walked our meanders, took a walk on an artificial lake. Our landscapes are beautiful and I am glad you visited us. “

Nikolic says it is to the stolen star just as he was returning to America from Serbia via France. She found out from the media.

“When she left our country, she was robbed at the airport in France. I saw it on television in her reality show. I think her stay in our country will remain in her fond memories,” Slavka said.

The director of the Sjenica Tourism Organization, Mihailo Tripković, also recalled Kim Kardashian’s visit: “He enjoyed the ride on Lake Sjenica and walked the meanders of Uvac. I was delighted with nature and of course with the unique gastronomic offer. She tried her luck in preparing the Sjenica cake with our host Slavica Nikolić. He left with a big smile on his face and said that he had never met such ordinary and hospitable people with a big heart.“.

