She came with her husband to the river to grill and fish, and then the HORROR started!


THEY WERE TO DEATH TOGETHER: She came with her husband to the river to grill and fish, and then the HORROR began!

Velika Morava Divers searched the bodies of the drowned spouses for hours yesterday, Photo: Tamara Trajković

Dragi Mladenović (64) from the village of Saraorci near Smederevo and his wife Mirjana (64) were drowned the day before yesterday in Velika Morava, apparently by several fishermen.

According to eyewitnesses, the couple arrived at the beach on Friday to enjoy themselves by the river.

photo: Tamara Trajković

– It was the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Mladenović arrived ashore with a tractor, which they knew as their palm because there they collect firewood every day. However, on the fateful day, they did not come to work, but to enjoy and rest, because it was a great party and they did not want to do anything – says Lazar Nićiforović, an eyewitness to the accident.

According to him, he saw two bodies, a man and a woman, floating in the water, passing through sand pits.

photo: Tamara Trajković

– At that time, there were some fishermen on the beach next to them. They saw the woman slip and fall into the river. The husband reacted immediately and tried to get her out, and since he failed, he got on the tractor and went to the other shore to try to save her from there. However, when he entered the water, he also drowned – says Niciforovic.

According to him, the fishermen, who saw everything, did not have a phone with them to ask for help.

– They waited for their friend to arrive, who, according to a prior agreement, was to take the children there. Just when the children arrived, the bodies reached the bay, they grabbed onto a branch. When the children saw that, they started screaming – adds the interlocutor and says that in the meantime, the bodies went downstream.


They went fishing and grilling

The neighbor says that Mirjana and Dragi went fishing in Morava and that they brought meat for the barbecue.

– They wanted to have a good vacation and rest. We think that since it was very hot, Mirjana decided to go into the shallows to cool off. We don’t know what happened then, if he got sick or drank water. I was waiting for them that day to come back, to have coffee, but I heard my cousin howling in the yard and then I heard that they drowned – said the neighbor and added:

– Where should this happen to them? They have been together their whole lives, they have never been apart. They were so good that they didn’t resent anyone.

Gendarmerie divers searched the Morava all day yesterday, and Mirjana’s body was taken out of the river first.

Mladenovic’s neighbors say that neither Mirjana nor Dragi could swim.

– The two have been married for almost 40 years. They spent their entire lives together and got along well, so it’s no surprise that Dragi went after his wife. He did everything he could to save her, they loved each other very much. He couldn’t bear that she drowned in front of his eyes without doing anything – says the neighbor.


We are desperate

The couple left behind two daughters and a son, as well as grandchildren. The family gathered yesterday at their home in Saraorci, awaiting news of the discovery of the body. – Understand, we are desperate, we do not know what happened to us – was all the woman who opened the door of Mladenović’s house said.

– It is not clear to us how he got to Morava. Now we hear that he probably got sick while standing by the water and that’s why he fell and drowned. There’s also a sandbar, so that’s the only logical thing for us. Jelena Ivić Photo: Tamara Trajković

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
