Zvezdan Jovanović is the only one in Europe for THIS!


Zvezdan Jovanovic (55), former deputy commander of the disbanded Special Operations Unit of the RDB, had his stay in the most guarded Serbian prison extended for another two years. Jovanovic filed an appeal against that decision through his lawyer, so he still has a chance to get out of the strictly guarded casemate.

“The Security Information Agency (BIA) and the Ministry of the Interior have no new data from the last report two years ago, and the competent services of the Zabela prison in Požarevac have given a positive opinion on their behavior and respect for the rules. Mentally ready to realize that no one in Europe in this century has been in solitary confinement for 17 years. This is an unprecedented legal scandal! “said attorney Gradimir Nalic, Jovanovic’s defense attorney.

Jovanovic has been on “Alcatraz” since August 30, 2010, and before that he was in prison in Belgrade for seven years. He was sentenced to a maximum of 40 years in prison as the direct perpetrator of the murder, who shot the prime minister and killed his bodyguard Milan Veruović by shooting from an “intercessor”. At the trial, Jovanovic defended himself by keeping silent and, at the end of the proceedings, denied having killed the prime minister.

Like his comrade in arms Milorad Ulemek Legija, Jovanović was placed in a 10 square meter cell. There is a closet, shower, table, chair, mirror, bed, bend over, plugs and TV connection. Oliver’s wife, Lela Jovanović (52), who lives in Bačka Palanka, visits her in prison, as well as her children. Meanwhile, Jovanovic became a grandfather because his 24-year-old son NJ had a son on June 8. The grandson received an old Serbian name.

Through a lawyer, he seeks a new trial for the murder of the prime minister because he claims his trial was rigged.

Its commander Milorad Ulemek Legija (52), former commander of the Special Operations Unit (JSO), who was sentenced to 40 years in prison for the murder of Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, will remain in the Serbian “Alcatraz” until July 2022 for decision of the Belgrade High Court. he also appealed this decision.

The Legion has been in a strict prison regime for 16 years and, if the court’s decision remains in force, it will continue to be denied the privileges that apply to those convicted in more open wards: more frequent contact with the outside world, work in a workshop, jail walks and the law. to the love room!

The law stipulates that every two years from the last decision to extend the sentence in a special prison cell, the competent court determines whether there are still grounds for strict treatment. The decision is made based on the facts and evidence from the reports of that department, the police and security services, as well as the opinion of the prosecutor. A convict serving his sentence in “Alcatraz” is left alone in a cell, he has the right to one.


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Author: delivery courier
