“Every exit from the house is risky”


The epidemiologist and member of the crisis taboo of the Republic, Daria Kisi Tepavevi, stated today that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is increasingly favorable.

Source: Tanjug



He stated that regardless of mitigation measures, everyone must be patient and show responsibility.

Kisi Tepavevi warned that any leaving the house remains a potential risk of infection by the kovid 19 virus and that action should be taken, that is, to apply preventive protection measures.

“Now we have a stable epidemiological situation again, but we are moving towards the time of year when the respiratory infection season begins, so we have to take everything into account. As much as our knowledge about the virus changes, the constant is that the number of new cases depends solely on whether we apply preventive measures, “Kisi Tepavevi told TV Pink.

He said that, taking into account the epidemiological situation in the country, it is the right time to start teaching at school and stressed that the situation will be monitored every day and that it is important that the school system is ready for all kinds of teaching.

Kisi recalled that strict recommendations were given for teaching in cars with a maximum of 15 students in the classroom, while one student would sit on each bench.

As he himself says, all measures will be applied to stay indoors, and first of all, wear a mask.

“Younger students accept wearing a mask much easier and faster than older students. There will be education for teachers and other employees, the entire first day of classes will be dedicated to education about school safety, ”said Kisi Tepavevi.

She stressed that the procedures are clearly defined if a student or employee becomes infected and every car has an isolation room.

“If a student or employee experiences any symptoms of an infectious disease, they should not come to school that day. If certain symptoms develop during class, the teacher should stop the class and go to the nearest kovid clinic, and the parents or the student’s tutors will pick it up and take it away. “Put it under review,” Kisi Tepavevi said.

As he explained, if the child tests positive, an epidemiological investigation is carried out in the classroom and the degree of risk is evaluated, and certain measures are applied according to the assessment of the situation, from the Kuna isolation of the whole class to individual measures against individual students.

“Even under the assumption that there was an infected person in the room, if preventive measures were taken, the risk of transmitting the infection was reduced to a minimum,” Kisi Tepavevi emphasized.

He added that, with regard to physical education classes, all measures will be taken to prevent and periodically clean and disinfect corridors, props, balls and, taking into account that physical activity is important for the health of children, the Classes will be based primarily on individual networks. .

Asked about the Crisis Tab decision that three control tests will no longer be done, Kisi Tepavevi said that it was a WHO recommendation of June 17 and that most countries adopted it more than a month ago, and that Serbia he kept it due to the epidemiological situation. conservative approach.

Speaking about the duration of antibodies against the Koroba virus, he said that no one has an answer on it yet, but that the level of antibodies decreases over time in all diseases.

“But there is cellular immunity, that is, memory cells. When the level of an antibody that is measurable falls, if the body comes into contact with a virus that has already been eliminated, the memory cells quickly recognize it and create a new amount of antibody, “explained Kisi Tepavevi.
