DISPUTED SESSION OF DS WILL NOT BE HELD ON SUNDAY Dissatisfied Democrats Offer Pledge Date for Lutovac, DS President REJECTS


The Democratic Party Main Board session, which was started by one-third of CSO members, will not take place on Sunday, May 17, and Democrats who demanded that session offered Zoran Lutovac a compromise solution to celebrate it on May 24 or reach a common date. The DS president rejected such a proposal.

– Although the proposal of a third of the members of the CSOs to hold a session of the CSOs on May 17, according to the Statutory Commission of the Democratic Party, was presented in accordance with the Statute, as responsible persons before the citizens who expect protection of the DS, party members and signatories to the initiative. They were exposed to attacks without sight in the previous days, we did not insist exclusively on this date and once again we called Zoran Lutovac to find a joint solution to hold the session. Four days ago, the President of the Democratic Party refused to meet with a group of veteran members of the Democratic Party, including a large number of its founders, and this invitation remains open and we repeat it, because our sole objective is to strengthen the Democratic Party and We believe that we can do it only through cooperation, mutual respect and dialogue, a part of the Democrats who were in the previous session declared in the statement.

They added that the lies, fabrications, and accusations that the Democrats are Vučić people are not worthy of the Democratic Party.

– Blessed, persecuted, arrested and criminalized by the regime, there are other people in the party who are committed to the ideas of the Democratic Party and the fight for a normal society. They deserve solidarity and respect, and not a shameful burden through the mud and the accusations and attacks coming from the party leadership, their statement states.

Furthermore, they affirm that a third of the members of the Main Board who signed the request for an urgent convocation of the session did so precisely to stop the political and organizational collapse of the Democratic Party.

Democratic partyPhoto: M. Milanković / RAS Serbia
Democratic party

– From a party with the strongest infrastructure in Serbia in the previous two years, we became a party with more than 80 dissolved committees, from a party that was proud of the party’s internal debate, we became a party in which those who think differently are persecuted and labeled, from a party that was the leader All modern in Serbia, we have become a party that, due to, very often insincere, unity deviates from its values ​​and beliefs. The process of creating a great Democratic Party has stopped for over a year, and we want to oppose those who stand in the way of those processes. More and more decisions are being made outside the Democratic Party and outside its organs, which should not be the case. The way Democrats are slandered by party officials is no different from radicals and progressives. We know that no Democrat deserved it, they conclude.

Zoran LutovacPhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia
Zoran Lutovac

However, party president Zoran Lutovac told Danas that the session is scheduled for May 31 and will not take place before that. He notes that debates and talks take place regularly within party bodies, but that there is nothing to talk about with informal groups.

“There is no compromise with those who want to remove Lutovac, the legitimate and legally elected chairman of DS and enroll a new authorized person with forged signatures,” said Dusan Kostadinovic, chairman of the DS Executive Board and close associate of Zoran Lutovac.

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