Look for the hair in Vučić’s egg, and where are Erdogan’s vaccines! He’ll lend a hand like Vucic!


Today, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina received the first vaccines from Serbia and President Aleksandar Vučić, and Avaz from Sarajevo affirms on that occasion that if someone relativizes and looks askance at the Serbian president’s gesture, they ask for “political hairs and diplomats “. Why don’t you observe the same rules? Turkey’s notorious passivity in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

In Avaz’s comment entitled “It is Erdogan’s turn”, the author wonders where in everything, however, as stated, only in words, great friends from Bosnia and Herzegovina, from Turkey and why the head of the diplomacy in the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bisera Turkovic and his Party boss, Bakir Izetbegovic, does not use exceptional personal relationships with the Turkish president and purchased at least token doses of vaccines for the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“If someone is already relativizing and looking at Vučić’s gesture with suspicion, looking for political and diplomatic hairs in the egg, why not observe the conspicuous passivity of Turkey in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic in Bosnia and Herzegovina?” He asks. Avaz.

The Sarajevo newspaper recalls that Erdogan affirmed yesterday that more than nine million inhabitants (10 percent of the population) have been vaccinated against COVID-19 in his country so far, which made it one of the first five countries. of the world.

And the first delivery of the three million dose COVID-19 vaccine from the Chinese company “SinoVac Biotec” arrived in Turkey on December 30. So, says Avaz, in the last two months we have not heard anyone from Ankara or Sarajevo mention the possibility of donating, even those Chinese vaccines for the Bosnian people “brother”, who were “in the care of President Erdogan. However, it is claimed that those with slightly better memories will remember that even at the beginning of the pandemic, a year ago, Turkey did not show special care for Bosnia and Herzegovina. It distributed a modest donation of medical supplies, protective equipment, masks and gloves equally to all countries in the region.

“And after that, nothing,” the newspaper writes, noting that President Erdogan and Turkey are now in the test again. “Will they move towards Sarajevo with an extended and outstretched hand, as Vučić did, or will they remain occupied with a selfish concern only for their country and their people?” Avaz asks, adding that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegović may know the answer.


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