The fourth wave arrived, different from all


Belgrade – The third wave of the kovida 19 epidemic has not yet arrived and, apparently, we will soon be witnesses, but also the perpetrators of the fourth wave.

Source: Blic

Tanjug / Nikola An

Tanjug / Nikola Ani

As Blic writes, we are entering this fourth wave because of another wave that affected the whole of Serbia: the wave of irresponsibility that came at the worst time.

According to the text, this is the moment when we are one of the most successful countries in terms of vaccination rate and when we have more than a million inhabitants who have been vaccinated, and at the same time we are bleaching crowns with 1,000 people, filling cafes , discos, restaurants, business office center …

Along with the increase in the number of people vaccinated, the number of people infected on a daily basis began to fall, but never came close to falling below 1,000 positive cases. The curve flattened very high over weeks, in around 1,500 patients, only to start slowly climbing last week and then jump sharply from 1,800 to about 2,500 people per day.

At a time when almost all of Western Europe is shut in practically until spring due to a new strain of the virus, many in Serbia have abused much more relaxed measures in our country compared to most of the continent and started surreal. to celebrate the end of the pandemic when the time is not right.

The images and recordings of the crown from the previous weekend throughout Serbia look amazing. Only the competent services removed about 2,000 people from clubs, restaurants, cafes, but the question is how many more urks to discover were there in the previous days?

In addition, there are certainly a number of vaccinated people who have relaxed after the first dose of the kovid 19 vaccine and do not wear more masks, do not respect physical distances or do not follow any epidemiological measures. They behave in this way, despite the warnings of all epidemiologists and epidemiologists that the full effect of the vaccine is achieved only after the second dose.

The next problem is skiing. “It’s a complete disregard for the measures. Entire families are infected, usually someone younger brings the virus, so everyone in the house gets infected. The cafes in the mountains are full of people, no one wears masks. The distance nowhere, “Rejai noted earlier. Prof. Dr. Branislav Tiodorovi.

Tanjug / Communal Militia

Tanjug / Communal Militia

His claims are confirmed by the Belgrade Arena medical coordinator, Prof. Dr. Predrag Bogdanovi, who said that entire families were being treated at that temporary hospital in kovid.

Kovid 19 also entered schools in an increasingly significant way, which is why almost all the students in Vranje returned to online classes. And in general, it is noted that there has been an increase in the number of coronavirus patients in cars.

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon also pointed out the danger of the fourth wave. As he said, if there is an increase in the number of infected, it could be the fourth wave or another peak of the existing third wave.

The director of the Kovid hospital in Batajnica, Tatjana Adi Vukievi, also fears a new epidemic wave. He pointed out that he is afraid of what might happen to us in 10, 12 days.

“Several times a day I receive reports from my colleagues about the number of vacancies and I am very afraid of this, which will bring us the next 10 to 12 days when all the people return from vacation,” said Dr. Adi Vukievi, adding that the hospital capacity that she really manages to the max.

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