Crisis headquarters occupied due to the crown party, controls continue


The mayor of Belgrade, Zoran Radojicic, said, after the meeting of the Municipal Headquarters for Emergency Situations, that during the weekend before the holiday a drop in discipline was noted in the capital, and the inspectors found a greater number of who did not. respect the measurements.

It indicated that five people were arrested on suspicion of having committed the crime of not acting in accordance with the sanitary measures prescribed during the pandemic.

“366 people are in daily shifts in several shifts, which lasts almost a year. Their work is hard and responsible, so it is important that they persevere. At the meeting they presented a report on how the controls were going and where they found problems, and I insisted on that, as before, compliance checks on epidemiological measures are carried out consistently. We are sending a clear message to everyone that this is not the time to relax and that such behavior can put everything at risk of a jump in the number of people infected again, “Radojicic said.

He noted that healthcare workers, doctors, nurses and staff are exhausted and should think about how they would handle even more patients.

In the end, the mayor again appealed to all citizens to take care of their health, to behave with responsibility and to be disciplined because “there is no medicine or vaccine that can magically solve everything for us, we are all in this and we are.” everything we need to contribute. “


Radojicic previously stated for RTS that “it is obvious that the discipline has been relaxed” and that is why he summoned the Crisis Personnel in a smaller composition, with people from the Communal Militia and the Inspectorate.

“I insist, I appeal and I ask that we persevere in the implementation of the measures,” said the mayor.

In Belgrade on Sunday, the police arrested two people for organizing a party in New Belgrade, and three more for attacking the police during the action at the premises.

The Ministry of the Interior announced this Sunday that about 1,000 people were found in a bar in the territory of the municipality of Palilula, while three people were arrested for organizing a party.

More than 220,000 people have been vaccinated in Belgrade so far

Radojicic said that more than 220,000 people have received the first or first and second doses of the vaccine in the capital so far, specifying that 15,550 of them were vaccinated or revaccinated on Saturday, just under 10,000 on Sunday and only two at the fair. . 3,524 scheduled people on Monday.

“Vaccination as an important part of the fight against the pandemic has continuity, that is, it continues, which is good news,” said the mayor.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
