ENCRYPTED MESSAGE FOR BELIVUK? A song with a message plays on the radio that opens the question: Who is addressing Velja Nevolja? (PHOTO)


Everything is happening after the arrest of Veljko Belivuk alias Veljko Nevolja, Marko Miljković Maret and a score of other associates, suspected of the most serious crimes, including murder, kidnapping, criminal association, drug trafficking, illegal possession of weapons …

All those detained are members of the Velja Nevolje team and its fan group “Principi”, which supports Partizan.

A few days after the great police action, a song was broadcast with these verses: “The problem, the problem attracts, we are the same, the same players, fate is you know, you know, that’s how we find ourselves …”. Perhaps it would have gone unnoticed, if the presenter had not said another phrase: “greeting message from gypsies from all over Serbia to gravediggers.”

It remains to be seen if this was a hoax or if someone sent an encrypted message to the arrested man. Otherwise, this would not be the first time that members of a criminal group have communicated on radio or television, which they use as “messengers” to transmit their encrypted messages.

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