Seselj raised the alarm! He found out what powerful politician was behind Belivuk



10.02.2021. 18:21

Vojislav Seselj

Vojislav Seselj, Photo: Printscreen

The arrest of Velja Nevolja and her associates is one of the biggest police actions, in which, in a long-planned action by the police and members of the BIA, one of the greatest criminals in Belgrade fell, who became a serious threat to the state with his crimes. The possible involvement of foreign services that supported Belivuk’s activities all the time, but also the help of members of the police and certain politicians with whom Velja Nevolja was in network, was commented for Alo by radical leader Vojislav Seselj, who was remembered a few days before. Arrest of Belivuk. was the first to sound the alarm to prepare an attack on the Serbian state leadership, with the aim of causing chaos in the country.

– I would not rule out any possibility, I am not that knowledgeable about the investigation, but a while ago I said that Milo Đukanović was planning to assassinate President Vučić to cause chaos in Serbia – Seselj said.

The leader of the radicals claims that there are more snipers.

– It also seemed that the sniper was acquired in Montenegro, I think it is not just one sniper, but several of them, I also think that Milo, who is very dangerous, will not try that goal with a single team, but with more of them – he said which is Seselj for

The arrest that shook the whole of Serbia will not end this. Experts believe that the police and the BIA will certainly not stop until all the accomplices and aides of Velja Nevolja, the man who made the state within the state, are caught. Fortunately, they stopped him because he was apparently preparing to deliver the final blow.

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