Mass vaccination of citizens begins on Tuesday


Prime Minister Ana Brnabić announced that the “mass” vaccination of citizens against the coronavirus will begin tomorrow in Serbia.

He said that starting tomorrow educators, military and police, as well as journalists will be vaccinated.

“We have already started inviting people who have expressed interest in getting vaccinated. Please apply as many as possible, the faster and more efficiently we do it, the faster we will return to normal life,” said the Prime Minister, according to reported by the Government of Serbia.

He assessed that the vaccination application system through the electronic administration portal works “absolutely perfectly” and appealed to educators to apply as many as possible, considering the continuation of the school year.

“It is extremely important that we all do everything in our power to ensure that children go to school as long as possible. It is especially important for the youngest elementary school pupils from first to fourth grade to be with their children. teachers, socialize, socialize and acquire work habits. That is why we made the decision to start teaching again after the winter break, “said the Prime Minister of Serbia.

Noting that there is an “extremely good” system for monitoring new patients, he announced that the authorities, in cooperation with teams from the Serbian Institute of Public Health, will monitor the number of newly diagnosed students, teachers and non-teaching staff in schools. .

“We will give them all the necessary support so that the classes last as normal and as long as possible,” said the Prime Minister.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.

