The verdict against me is proof that the judiciary is independent


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić stated that the verdict according to which he must pay 200,000 dinars to the leader of Dveri, Boško Obradović, for insult, is proof that politicians and media who claim that the Serbian judiciary does not it is independent and is run by political centers are wrong.

“Perhaps I could say that it is managed from other political centers, taking into account the previous reforms. But it turned out that Serbia is a normal country, “Vucic said.

Two days ago, the First Court of First Instance in Belgrade delivered the verdict of first instance whereby Vučić promised to pay Obradović 200,000 dinars with interest for damage to reputation and parts, that is, because he called him a thief and a fascist.

Vučić said that the lawyers did that, and that he was not at the trials, but that even after the verdict, “he did not change his opinion one iota.”

“But I’m not going to get into that. The biggest celebration was in Zagreb, in the Croatian media and partly in Sarajevo, but it shows that I did a lot of good for the country. And whether satisfied or not, there is time until it is final and We will see what is true. And I will respect the decisions of the court, “he said.

On the recognition of Kosovo: How will I do it? Transcendental meditation?

Commenting on the assertions of opposition representatives that they will accept Kosovo’s independence, but will not do so in written or oral form, Vučić said that it seems to him that Wednesday was a “full moon” and that is the reason for such claims.

“They say I’ll admit it, but I won’t do it orally or in writing. So how do I do it? Transcendental meditation? Or do you have someone who presents himself as a public opinion researcher and has 110 percent (votes) overall? “Said Vučić.

On the occasion of the news that the EU Special Representative for the Dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo, Miroslav Lajcak, and the Head of the State Department Office for Europe, Philip Reeker, discussed in Brussels the change of documents signed by the representatives of Serbia and Kosovo in Washington in September, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic He stated that “what is related to” the part of the Washington agreement that Serbia has accepted, should be discussed with her. “

“Well, they are very important! We are willing to talk to everyone, but that is over because the Americans and the Europeans met, or the Germans, no, about that later,” Vučić said during his visit to Zlatibor.

He also stated that he was “interested” that all those who shouted the Washington document as harmful to Serbia, keep silent because the representatives of the Kosovar Albanians and some in Europe were against it.

“Amateur research, as if it were a full moon”

Commenting on the investigation according to which more citizens of Serbia are against him than in favor of the opposition, he said that “yesterday was a strange day, as if it were a full moon, but it was not.”

“I saw all kinds of miracles yesterday, fictitious investigation, prepared by a fan, which I laughed at,” Vučić said.

He said there is time until the elections and “we will see if we laugh or lose honorably – of course we lose, and they win, we will admit everything, we will not burn the Assembly.”

“That is good, it is not terrible to lose the elections, it is important to do something for your country,” said Vucic.

“The self-employed can threaten, but they will pay taxes”

Vučić also said that freelancers may threaten to “destroy institutions and sites” but that they will have to pay taxes.

Asked about the announcement of protests by self-employed workers over the obligation to pay taxes on salaries and contributions for the last five years, Vučić said that he did not believe that the protests were a “solution to anything” and added that he appealed to the Serbian government to agree to talk with them.

“There is space to talk about when to pay taxes and not about whether taxes will be paid. You can break into the assembly, demolish institutions and sites, there are no problems, but criminal responsibility remains. You cannot pay taxes, you cannot, you have to pay taxes, “said Vučić, answering questions from journalists in Zlatibor, where he attended the commissioning of the world’s largest panoramic gondola.

The protest of the autonomous community is scheduled for Saturday, January 16 at 3 pm in front of the House of the National Assembly in Belgrade. ;
