Doctors found out what Jovanović was suffering: Čeda’s wife also called



13.01.2021. 17:33

The PLD leader was in pain and receiving therapy, but all tests were performed and MRI images of his lungs, blood vessels and stomach were taken.

Cedomir Jovanovic

Cedomir Jovanovic, Photo: Twitter

The leader of the PLD, Cedomir Jovanovic, who is being treated at the CBC “Dragisa Misovic”, is in a stable condition and the pain he had was caused by pleurisy, inflammation of the lung tissue, according to a source close to the politician.

This inflammation, he adds, is under control and is not as severe and unpredictable as it can be with pneumonia, which he had in July, when he tested positive for covid.

Under control

– Jovanović did have pain and received therapy, but all tests were carried out, an MRI of his lungs, blood vessels, stomach was performed and it was established that he had no acute health problems. He is in good general condition and doctors have diagnosed pleurisy, inflammation of the lung tissue, and that this is causing him problems. The condition is under control and not as dangerous as it was with the severe inflammation in both lungs, so he took oxygen this summer, the source says.

Jovanović breathes independently, has good saturation, so he does not need oxygen. If not, adds the source, he would be in the shock room, in cardiology and in intensive care. It is relatively easy to recover from this inflammation with proper therapy, and the key is to rest, lie down, and follow all medical advice.

Strong consequences of the covid

In July, Jovanović was also in the KBC hospital “Bežanijska kosa”, but also in the Infectious Diseases Clinic, because he was diagnosed with coronavirus and at that time he had a serious clinical picture. Due to the lack of air and general weakness, the politician was connected to oxygen for several days, and after leaving the hospital, he himself said that “the oxygen saved his head.”

In addition to severe pneumonia, the LDP leader then had a high fever, but also heart problems. Even after a few months, Jovanovic, as he said, could not get back into physical shape, and could not even exercise because the consequences of the coronavirus were strong.

Jelena Jovanović, Cedomir Jovanović’s wife, says her husband had to drink “trodone” and morphine due to excruciating pain.

– He’s bad, he’s in terrible pain, that’s why he receives “ketanol”, “trodon”, and even morphine with four antibiotics. All its parameters are altered. Although you receive “flexarin” several times a day, the D-dimer, which is responsible for blood clotting and causes thrombosis, is 12 times higher than the upper limit, CRP, which also indicates some inflammation. His iron dropped from 39, which is high, to five. They suspected internal bleeding, but fortunately it was not. His blood pressure is tremendously high and it is difficult for him to get back to normal with medication. Although it is difficult, we are all fighting, especially him, you know his mythical “we will never give up”, said Jovanović.
