The girl who was abducted and sexually abused by a Malča barber DECIDED TO TALK!


SURVIVED 9 DAYS OF HELL IN THE HANDS OF A MONSTER: A girl who was abducted and sexually abused by a Malča barber DECIDED TO SPEAK UP!

Photo: Reader Kurir / Čiralac

– Thank God. Now no child will be hurt, were the 13-year-old’s first words on the news that Ninoslav Jovanović, her abductor, was sentenced to life in prison last week.

The statement of a girl from Nis who was abducted and sexually abused in December 2019 was relayed to Kurir by her mother, who says that after all, the family is fine and that “we must move on.” The mother explains to us that the girl began to write a book, a kind of confession.

Terrible experience

– The daughter began, not so soon, to write her impressions, the ways in which the girl should defend herself and everything she experienced, from her experience, and how the children would know how to defend themselves from the abuser. For now, she hides from us what is written in the book, because it is her intimacy. You should finish that reading soon, he tells us.

Ninoslav Jovanović, known by the nickname Malčanski Berberin, was sentenced to life imprisonment for harassing a student, whom she kidnapped by car on December 20 last year and held captive for nine days, walking with her through various towns and villages in the Niš and Knjaževac area. . He was also sentenced to 11 years in prison for kidnapping.

Malcano barber, trial, Ninoslav Jovanovic
photo: Ж. AND.

– We are satisfied that we will no longer see that man in the courtroom. That has been horrible for us all these months. The other thing that is important is that the children are safe now because he has been put in the place he deserves. We honestly want to forget all that, somehow stay behind us.

Over the years, everything will be easier and now we want everything to be calm. We can’t protect her now by taking her down a beautiful path, somewhere where the scenery captures her attention, where she feels more secure. We’re here for now, but it will be, I hope – says the girl’s mother.


Ninoslav Jovanović inflicted serious physical injuries on the girl, which pass slowly, but the mental ones will take longer.

– Now she attends classes online, but when she passes by the street where the kidnapper lured her to the car, she feels uncomfortable – says the girl’s mother.

He adds that writing and painting were his concern and that he recently became interested in music.

– He was not interested in any instrument, but recently he expressed the wish that he would like to learn to play the violin, and even the guitar, some string instrument. We will see, for now, let this literary part end, so in a way we will also orient ourselves towards music – says the mother.

( Smiljkovic / Kurira Photo Reader)

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