If the president of Serbia was intervened, then the police do not exist


The former head of the Serbian Criminal Police Directorate (UKP), General Rodoljub Milović, declared today that if it is true that the President of Serbia was intervened for a year and a half, then the Serbian police do not exist.

“While I was the director of UKP, it was impossible to eavesdrop at any time without a decision from the judiciary. The Security Information Agency (BIA) had an idea of ​​everything we did.” I really don’t know if that system in the meantime UKP for wiretapping has separated from the BIA, “Milović told Beta news agency.

He thinks all the stories about wiretapping the state president are “confusing.”

“Will this be the way it used to be with me, when they accused me of wiretapping Tomo Nikolić and Aleksandar Vučić, and it turned out that all of that was not true, or is it really a more serious story? Time will tell,” said the former mayor. UKP.

Aleksandar Vučić

When asked by Beta who could order the wiretapping of the state president, Milović said that no one can order wiretapping except in case the president is connected to a criminal.

“Without a warrant to be heard by the judiciary, it is impossible to eavesdrop on the state president,” Milović said.

When asked if the police can eavesdrop without a court decision, he noted that this is possible in case the commander is extremely “rude and powerful” and the police people do not work in accordance with the law.

“It is a serious crime, regardless of whether it is an ordinary citizen or the president of the state. You must be bold and courageous to tailor an ordinary citizen without having arguments and a court order. “If there is still a Serbian police, that is simply impossible,” assessed Milović.

When asked by Beta if there were wiretaps if it could be related to possible preparations for a coup, Milović said that if there were no orders and arguments and if that decision was not covered by regulations, then it can be considered done. about an attempt to compromise the entire security system.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić previously stated that he knew that he had been wiretapped and that it was a direct coup attempt, and that the competent authorities would determine whether the wiretapping was also related to foreigners.
