More than 100 workers are completing jobs UNDER EARTH


Works on Savski trg are progressing rapidly, Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić said today, announcing that on January 25, the square will be completed and handed over to citizens for use together with the Stefan Nemanja monument.

“There will be more than 150 workers here today, but we will not see most of them considering that they work in the underground sewage pumping station where they install the equipment,” Vesić said after visiting the works.

He affirmed that the monument to Stefan Nemanja is currently being concreted to begin laying stone cubes over a hundred years old that, he recalled, were found during the works of spatial planning at the corner of Balkanska Street and Gavrila Principa Street.

Goran Vesić, Savski Trg
photo: Beoinfo

The deputy mayor also indicated that the area of ​​the Sava square is 20,000 square meters, and that, in addition, the traffic areas are 12,000 square meters, and that there is a 23-meter high monument to Stefan Nemanja in the square. .

Vesić said that just two years ago, it was the ugliest part of the city, with a taxi rank, a bus turntable, felled trees … and noted that now citizens will get a well-kept square.

He added that he is very happy and proud that Belgrade is developing, and stated that it can be seen in Sava Square.

– If there is one place where you can see how much Belgrade has changed in the last eight years and what kind of metropolis it is becoming, it is Savski trg. Nearby is Belgrade on the water, our largest project, and this speaks of organizing the city through new projects and preserving our history – said Vesić.

He recalled that new trees have been planted in the square, which, as he specified, will be a total of 250.

The façade of the old train station building has been renovated and Vesić announces that the interior of that building will be rebuilt, which will become the Museum of Serbian History.

He added that the facade of the “Post” building on Savska Street will be renovated, restored to its pre-war appearance, the facades of other buildings around Sava Square will be repaired and the street will be rebuilt. Karadjordjeva from the square to the Branko bridge.

He thanked the workers who work during the New Year holidays to open, in 23 days, the largest and newest central square in Belgrade.

– Belgrade is already big enough to have several central squares, and this will undoubtedly be the most visited. You can already see how many citizens stop to paint the monument to Stefan Nemanja, and when they can approach and enter the pedestal, that is, the broken Byzantine helmet, which is a kind of open-air museum, the monument will become an attraction. – added Vesić.


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