He also found out if people with asthma can get the vaccine.


Immunologist and crisis staff member Srdja Jankovic says the number of newly infected with corona is declining, but it is not possible to speak of a significant improvement while hospitals are full.

He says that the pressure on the health system has been notably relieved, but that this should not lead us to relax now.

“The fact that the numbers are lower than in previous weeks is favorable, but that is partly the effect of the holidays, because people decide to go to the doctor less often and that is why there is less evidence,” Janković said.

He added that an important parameter is that there is a smaller decrease in the number of hospitalized.

“It is a very important fact, because when the number of newly infected people begins to change, it takes time to reflect on the number of people who have a more serious or life-threatening clinical picture.” That gives a representative sample of the situation, “Janković said.

When it comes to public dilemmas about vaccination, Jankovic said there were no compromises in testing approved coronavirus vaccines, especially in terms of safety and efficacy.

“As soon as something was registered, it passed all rigorous controls and criteria to be effective and safe.” “What was done in a shorter period of time can be positively understood, as a triumph of the association of a large number of scientists, industries, states and regulatory bodies,” Janković said.

He recalled that citizens of Serbia will be able to choose which vaccine to receive and emphasized that, although they have a different design, all available vaccines have the same goal: to protect against the deadly disease kovid-19.

He says that when it is his turn, he will receive the vaccine that will be available from those who, he says, have passed the criteria for safety and efficacy.

Janković stated that corona vaccines are given in two doses and that immunity is created from the seventh day, while the maximum is reached from day 10 to 15 after the second dose. During the first days, Janković explained, there is no effect, gradually from the tenth day they create protective antibodies, which are one of the parameters of the immune response to the vaccine.

“In the statistics, those who received the vaccine, and got sick the next day, are listed as vaccinated, and the sick and somehow show a false picture that the vaccine doesn’t work. The vaccine works, but not at that speed, “Jankovic said.

He noted that no vaccine has a 100 percent effect and that the duration of immunity cannot be discussed until a little longer has passed, but immunity is expected to last for several years.

He explained that corona viruses do not evolve as fast as influenza viruses, which can give birth to a new subtype each season, and that is why vaccination is seasonal.

“I don’t expect the same with the corona virus, but it may happen that after a few years, the immunity needs to be strengthened,” Janković said.

When asked if people with asthma can get the corona vaccine, Jankovic said that a diagnosis of asthma is not a reason for someone not to get the vaccine.

“Doctors monitor the health of everyone who receives the vaccine. It is necessary to check if the patient has an acute condition for which vaccination would be postponed,” Janković said.

He appealed to citizens to celebrate Christmas Day and Christmas so that they do not endanger their own health and that of others.

(Kurir.rs/Tanjug, pink)

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