These are the terms Serbs “Googled” the most in 2020 and believe it or not in the first place, NOT THE CROWN VIRUS!


The pavidemia of kovida 19 turned many things upside down in Serbia, including the popular imagination: “Whoever is not on the corner is on Google.” To have “in the corner”, the Serbs and their successors in Google especially “Google Classroom” during 2020, and only then the coronavirus!

Unfortunately, 2020 was one of the most difficult years in recent human history. This was also demonstrated by the Google search engine, according to which the inhabitants of Serbia searched for more topics to which they were forced by pain or grief: the pavidemia of kovida 19, that is, the death of a famous person.

But let’s go in order. The company “Google” published the traditional annual list of the most searched terms and discovered which was the most interesting on the Internet in Serbia in 2020. “Blic” is the top 10 topics that the inhabitants of our country “searched on Google” with more frequent in the last year.

1. Google classroom

Until just 10 months ago, few people in Serbia even knew what “Google classroom” meant and that is why they certainly did not ask Google for help.

Photo: Sara Cline / Tanjug / AP

However, when the corona pandemic hit Serbia in early March and closed schools, and classes began to be organized from home, educational institutions increasingly used the “Google classroom” to connect and learn.

That is why it is not surprising that “Google Classroom” was the most searched on the Internet in Serbia and that there are practically no families with schoolchildren and a computer who now do not know what that term means. From the beginning, this was a completely unknown term.

2. Coronavirus

The invisible enemy after hospitals, health centers and other health institutions was the most visible on the Internet.

Photo: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

Serbia probably does not differ in that in relation to the rest of the world because there is no inhabitant of our country who has not tried at least once to get acquainted with the nature or consequences of this disease on a computer, laptop, tablet, phone.

On the other hand, the vast majority of people in the survey would probably think and be mistaken that the inhabitants of our country searched Google for the “crown” more frequently during 2020.

3. Elections in the United States

By all standards, the specific year 2020 brought a strange electoral race for the American president, in which the oldest candidates in the history of the United States competed: Donald Trump (74) and Joe Biden (78).

Photo: Tanjug / AP, carolyn kaster, Evan Vucci, Jeff Chiu, EPA / Cristobal Herrera-Ulashkevich, EPA / Tracie Van Auken / RAS Serbia

The fact that they conducted the election campaign in extraordinary circumstances due to the Covid 19 pandemic only increased the attention of the world and even the Serbian public on the US elections.

If we consider that the voting results were not known for days, and that Trump did not recognize them for weeks, then it is clear why the presidential election in the US was among the 3 most searched terms on Google.

4. Kobe Bryant

The announcement of the tragic course in 2020 came in January, when the world shook with the news of the horrific death of one of the greatest NBA basketball players of all time: Kobe Bryant (42).

The “Lakers” legend died in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, California, along with his daughter Gianna (14) and seven other people.

The horrible tragedy occurred on the flight to her “Mamba Academy”, where Dijana was supposed to receive training. Due to fog and poor visibility, the helicopter hit the front of the hill at an altitude of 420 meters at a speed of 296 kilometers per hour.

5. Isidora Bjelica

Unfortunately, the year 2020 on the Internet in Serbia was marked by another death: in August, after a long and serious illness, the writer Isidora Bjelica passed away.

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Photo: Vesna Lalic / RAS Serbia

isidora bjelica_031014_ RAS photo vesna lalic019_preview

The famous writer died at the age of 52, and her many years of struggle for life were accompanied by numerous senseless accusations from the public that she uses the disease for marketing. Bjelica struggled with that, as did the therapies.

How cruel the public can be can be seen even after her death, when there was a lively internet controversy about whether she deserved to be buried in the Alley of Deserving Citizens.

6. NBA League

Serbs have long been known to love the NBA league, and terrible 2020 brought just another confirmation of this undeniable fact. Love is tried when it is difficult. And where will you weigh more than the Covid 19 pandemic ?!

In fact, the NBA league played the role of medicine for many residents of our country, as it was played during the second wave of the crown during the summer, when little of this sport could be followed.

Thus, the strongest basketball competition once again showed that it is the most organized in the world, because due to the pandemic it premiered games in the so-called “bubble” or balloon at Disneyland. Everything unfolded like a fairy tale, flawlessly to the delight of audiences around the world, even in Serbia.

7. The game of destiny

If anyone made a profit during the unfortunate 2020, then it is television. You have probably never watched a television show with such attention as during the two and a half month curfew.

A game of destiny

Photo: RAS Serbia

A game of destiny

If we consider that the sport was not even played for a long time due to the pandemic, the Serbian television audience escaped the terrible news and epidemiological interviews, especially series and films.

One of the series that has gained great popularity in Serbia this year is “Game of Fate”. Filled with unpredictable plots, it managed to hold the public’s attention for months, which is why it also has a large number of fans on the Internet.

8. The paper house

If “Game of Fate” is the most searched national series in the Google search engine in Serbia, then “La casa de papel” is the most popular foreign series in our country.

The paper house

Photo: youtube

The paper house

This is a Spanish production that was originally conceived as a series of limited-format robberies for “Netflix” to influence its worldwide distribution. In addition, this platform has also influenced the quality, content and duration of the series, so far three parts of “La casa de papela” have been published.

As a reminder, “Netflix” in its Q1 2018 report declared “House of Paper” the most viewed series outside of the English-speaking area that has ever been on its streaming service.

9. Patriarch Irenaeus

Unfortunately, on a sad occasion, the name of Patriarch Irinej, who passed away from the crown in mid-November, was entered into the Google search engine.

Patriarch Irenaeus

Photo: Zoran Lončarević / RAS Serbia

Patriarch Irenaeus

The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church lost his battle with the crown in the 1990s after several days of drama, which upset the public. The additional craze for information about the patriarch was fueled by conflicting news about his health, which is why some portals even announced that he passed away the day before it was announced by the Serbian Orthodox Church.

When the church denied them, they took the news off the internet, but no doubt that, as well as the report of the patriarch’s funeral in the Church of Saint Sava, influenced the name of the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church to be one of the most searched on the Internet.

10. Elections 2020

Unfortunate 2020 was also an election year in Serbia, so it is logical that this topic was one of the most popular on the Internet in our country.

elections the day after the combined RAS photo

Photo: Mitar Mitrovic, Vladimir Zivojinovic, Oliver Bunic / RAS Serbia

elections the day after the combined RAS photo

Especially since the electoral campaign due to kovida 19 lasted an unusually long time. More precisely, the parliamentary elections originally scheduled for April 26 were postponed and held in June, so that we had more or less two electoral campaigns in practically a year.

Likewise, the boycott of the elections by the opposition increased public attention to that event, although the winner was known in advance. For the first time in recent history, Serbia got an unopposed parliament, which could not go unnoticed.
