Party until dawn, Tito dances with Jovanka at midnight, and then something amazing happens (VIDEO)



12.31.2020. 13:46

Forty-four years later, there will be no organized New Year’s Eve due to the corona virus pandemic

Jovanka Broz, Josip Broz Tito

Photo: Youtube print screen

It was a great honor for the government of Novi Sad that Marshal Tito, together with his wife Jovanka Broz, spent the night between December 31 and January 1 at the Park Hotel.

The city government led by Jovo Dejanović had to show the development of the city, so the RFSY president for life visited the new factory of the company “Danubius” during the day.

Then followed New Years Eve at the Park Hotel. The star of the evening was, writes Vladimir Vrgović in “Novi Sad 1970-1990”, the legendary Miodrag Petrović Čkalja, who read the humorous congratulations addressed to another Tito and other politicians.

Of course, an evening like this in Novi Sad could not happen without Janika Balaz drumming and Jovan Adamov’s orchestra. Mira Banjac, Boris Dvornik, Ivan Hajtl, Milka Stojanović were also present …

Already in 1977, Tito raised his glass “for the happiness and well-being of our peoples and nationalities and of our working class.” After midnight and dancing with his wife Jovanka, Tito visited the soldiers at the JNA House, and the next day he left for Karadjordjevo.

Forty-four years later, there will be no organized New Years Eve due to the corona virus pandemic. Like many years later, the apartment where Josip Broz Tito spent the night at the Park Hotel still bears his name: “Tito’s residence”.

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