A protest by Internet workers was held for taxes in front of the Government of Serbia (VIDEO) – Economy


The protest of the Association of Internet Workers, because the Tax Administration sent more than 2,000 “requests for control” to those who win that way, ended tonight in front of the Ministry of Finance in Belgrade.

A protest by Internet workers was held for taxes in front of the Government of Serbia (VIDEO) 1Photo: Danas / Facebook

As reported from the site by the Beta agency reporter, the president of that association, Miran Pogačar, announced a new meeting in front of the Serbian Assembly in 15 days, if their problems are not resolved.

The protest ended with the whistles and chants of those gathered against Finance Minister Siniša Mali.

The protest started around 5 p.m. in front of the Serbian Government building, and those gathered briefly blocked the intersection of Kneza Miloša and Nemanjina streets.

Pogačar claimed that the tax administration, together with the state, “carries out organized and legalized theft of workers.”

“No one intended to avoid taxes, and the fact that the state now agreed to collect taxes six years ago is general state theft,” he said.

Pogacar demanded that negotiations begin with the competent authorities to regulate the issue of taxation of workers on the Internet, and to “stop the persecution of them.”

He added that the laws must be changed, and that the fact that the State did not implement the existing ones means that “it was not responsible.”

Those gathered in front of the government chanted “thieves, thieves” and derogatory slogans against the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić.

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