Another wave expected at KBC Dragisa Misovic after Christmas


The “Dr. Dragisa Misovic” Clinical Hospital Center treats about 240 covid patients, 70 of whom are in intensive care units, said the chief of anesthesia, Duska Ignjatovic, adding that another wave is expected after Christmas, because the malls are completely full. people wear masks, but that’s not enough.

“Throughout the year we were full to the last place, and in December we had between 30 and 50 patients who were discharged but the same number, until the other day we were full to the last bed, until the hospital opened in Batajnica, now it’s something less, “Duska Ignjatovic told RTS.

Speaking about the age structure of the patients, she says that it is middle age – 60 years old, middle age is the most common with a difficult clinical picture.

Duška Ignjatović pointed out that it is not necessary to repeat that one must be responsible, the holidays are approaching, we understand the need for people to come together, but we have not stopped for a year, many doctors and nurses have become ill, now those teams are a little smaller, a man practically stays for three.

“The medical part does not agree with the concession – if the cafes are open until 6 in the afternoon, what is the difference between 11 at night or 6 in the afternoon – if there are many people in a place, the virus is transmitted, after Christmas we expect another wave. full to the max, people are printing in shopping malls, they have masks but that’s not enough, we will feel it very soon ”, said Duška Ignjatović

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
