Vaccinations are not a magic wand for the crown, but they are part of the solution HERE IS WHAT THE DOCTORS SAY


Vaccination against the coronavirus has begun in our country. The first vaccine was administered to the Prime Minister, followed by several doctors and hundreds of people over the age of 65 in nursing homes in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis, Kragujevac and in Serbian areas of Kosovo and Metohija.

On tonight’s program RTS Questionnaire on Coronavirus Vaccines, Dr. Srđa Janković, Immunologist and Crisis Staff Member, Dr. Milanko Šekler, Virologist and Dr. Mirsad Đerlek, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Health .

– All vaccines have passed all safety tests. Side effects appear after a few weeks. The number of serious reactions to Pfizer vaccines is in the single digits, says Dr. Srdja Jankovic.

Dr. Srdja Jankovic and Milanko Shekler indicated that they will be vaccinated.

– Vaccines do not protect 100%, but they are there to ensure that someone who gets sick does not contract a serious form of the disease and die. When receiving the second dose, more reactions and side effects are expected, which is normal. They are not a magic wand, but they are part of the solution, says Shekler.

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The Secretary of State of the Serbian Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, stated tonight that 854 people have been vaccinated with the Pfizer corona virus vaccine in Serbia so far, and that there have been no side effects.

He told RTS that the consequences of the virus were redness in the place where the vaccine was applied, pain in that place and a temperature of 37.2, which passed within a few hours.

– I would like us to continue like this, Djerlek said.


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