Our seismologist on the DESTRUCTIVE EARTHQUAKE in Croatia, which was also felt in our country


Seismologist Slavica Radovanović says for “Telegraf” that an earthquake of this magnitude was felt in all places up to 600 kilometers from the epicenter.

– Up to 600 kilometers away, everyone felt it. It was felt more in Banja Luka, less in our country. It is a powerful and strong earthquake. The magnitude of this earthquake, which occurred at 12.20 minutes, which we felt in Belgrade, is 6.3. It is normal for an earthquake of this type to be felt at very long distances. You will be surprised, but even those who were at peace even 600 kilometers away could feel it, Slavica Radovanović, former director of the Seismological Institute of Serbia and now director of the seismo.sr company, told Telegraf.rs.

According to her, they are currently analyzing how much maximum acceleration there was on the first floor of the company in Banjica.

– At this distance, according to these empirical formulas, which are valid for this area of ​​ours, there could have been an intensity of 4 degrees on the Mercalli scale in Belgrade, which means that it felt even more intense in the upper floors of Belgrade. Let’s say residents of high-rise buildings in New Belgrade may have dumped on the upper floors, he explains.

She says it was to be expected, but it was unclear when this earthquake would occur in Croatia.

Let us remind you, a new strong earthquake hit Croatia. The epicenter of the 6.3 magnitude earthquake was near Petrinja, but was strongly felt in Zagreb, as well as throughout Croatia and the entire region. Petrinja and Sisak suffered the most again.
