Widespread chaos at the crown party in Vrčin at the home of a famous football player


On the night between Sunday and Monday, the police broke up a party that was organized for about 50 people in a house in Vrčin in Belgrade, and in addition to violating epidemiological measures, the party was shot, drugs were found, as well as a police badge.

As we have learned unofficially, the party was organized by a man who had a son. For that occasion, he rented a house, which is owned by the family of Srdja Knezevic, a former soccer player, and then invited guests and music. However, the neighbors called the police upon hearing the shooting, and it turned out that the guest drew his gun during the party and fired nine shots into the air.

Illegal weapon

– The Police determined that the weapon belonged to AC (29), who was arrested for illegal possession of a weapon and causing general danger. The pistol’s serial number was erased and more than 20 bullets were found in the air-conditioned car, says a source familiar with the case.

In addition to the gun, the police found a bag of drugs in the house, as well as a police badge.

– The plaque was found with the singer Emil Bota (48). This is some kind of identification from the European International Police Association (EPA). As the latest decree of the Interior Ministry prohibits the use of badges by civilians, it was confiscated from the singer and it is determined where it was acquired, as well as if it was original and what it was used for – explains the interlocutor.

Emil Bota: The license plate is legitimate, it was in my pocket.

Singer Emil Bota tells Kurir that he sang at the celebration for the birth of a child, because a friend invited him.

– He waited for the boy for five years. He said it would be about 15 people. Meanwhile, one of the people from the celebration came out onto the patio and fired into the air. I was scared and surprised. Fortunately, the police soon arrived. They asked everyone for identification cards and found me a legitimate EPA badge, which I received as a friend of that organization. The police took the badge, they asked me where I got it from, I told them and they took it from me and I hope they return it to me when they check it. The plate was in my pocket – said the singer.

Emil Bota
photo: Print screen

Yesterday we found Srdja Knezevic’s mother at Vrcin’s house, who was visibly upset and said she was in shock from the moment the police informed them of what happened.

– The young man called, begging us to rent him a house to celebrate the birth of his son. By the way, we fixed the space to be able to organize children’s birthdays, but due to the crown, we didn’t do that. This young man prayed and, most importantly, he said there would only be a dozen – says the surprised woman.

Deceived and deceived

He adds that he was not in the house during the celebration because they were given the entire installation.

– We met him and warned him to take care to comply with all epidemiological measures. I don’t know how I survived when they told me there were more than 50 of them, and still that shooting. I don’t know what to say, except that they cheated and cheated on us – says the footballer’s mother, explaining that her son did not even know that she would betray the house that night.

“We had the best of intentions, we wanted to meet the man, but that was enough for us,” he adds.

As we learned, the communal militia imposed 50 fines for not wearing masks and violating epidemiological measures.

Srdja Knezevic: I’m sorry all that happened

Srdja Knezevic, who also played for Partizan during his football career, told Kurir yesterday that he knew what happened on his property and explained that the house where the party was organized also has an open part.

– She is not that big, I doubt that everyone could be inside. That is why there is an outdoor part, which is covered, and there are gas stoves, which more or less heat that space. I’m sorry that all that happened, but, again, it is important that no one is injured – said the former footballer.

(Kurir.rs/Jelena Rafailović / Photo: Kurir, private file)

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