Ambitious plans for next year



Exceptional cooperation with China

On the occasion of the death of the pilot Svetislav Vranić, who brought a plane carrying aid from China, Vučić said that it was a great loss for Serbia and that he was one of the best people we had in the air force.

He adds that for Vranić’s family it will remain forever that she brought help of great importance at a time when we were eagerly awaiting her and when she was coming from a bit.

Vučić also stated that Serbia’s cooperation with China is exceptional and that he had the courage to say that in front of Donald Trump.

He mentioned “Linglong”, “Zidjin”, Smederevo Ironworks and infrastructure projects.

When asked which vaccine he will receive, he said that he is waiting for the next one to be approved and that he and Zlatibor Loncar will receive different vaccines, because they believe in vaccines.


Vučić: Some are happy with the success of Serbia and others with the misfortune of Serbia

Vučić said that yesterday or the day before yesterday, around 1 p.m., a pipe burst in one of the rooms of the new kovid hospital in Batajnica.

He says that the pipes did not burst where the patients are, that the pipes burst three times this year in the Presidency building and that he sees no problem in that.

He claims that some need to say that something is not working, although today 500 patients are being treated at the Batajnica hospital and health workers are fighting for their lives, risking their lives.

“Some are happy with the success of Serbia, and others are happy with the misfortune of Serbia,” Vucic said.


Establish friendly relations with Montenegro respecting the interests of the Serbian people

Vučić said that Serbia respects the sovereignty and independence of Montenegro.

He says that Serbia expected him to change the decision to expel Ambassador Bozovic from Montenegro and that he is still waiting.

The president notes that he did not expect a different attitude from Podgorica towards Kosovo’s independence.

“We will build fraternal and friendly relations with all the governments of Montenegro, respecting the interests of our country and our people,” Vucic said.


Vučić is satisfied with the government’s work, but says some ministers have less energy

When asked how satisfied he was with the government’s work, Vučić said that he was more satisfied with the work of some ministers and less satisfied with the work of someone.

He says that it seems to him that someone lacks energy, but points out that the government worked under difficult conditions and that it managed to do many things.

“I am grateful to Ana, we share how we will do those international things,” Vucic said.

He is happy about the construction of two kovid hospitals and complete sanitary facilities. He pointed out that the crown destroyed the normal life of young and old.

When asked if he will participate in the dialogue between the government and the opposition, he said that dialogue exists every day. He claims that when he hears being insulted, he responds by talking about new investments.

“It is impossible for them to talk to someone when they are characterized by the worst names every day,” Vučić said.


Continuation of care for the Serbian people

He also said that Belgrade would continue to care for its people in Kosovo and Metohija and that it was ready to send medicines and vaccines to Albanians.

He points out that the fact that Belgrade sent vaccines to the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija did not violate the Brussels Agreement, and that no one should think about attacking someone who shared drugs.

He also announced new investments in Gracanica and Kosovska Mitrovica, and assistance to the Serbian people in the region, with continued cooperation with everyone.

He wants good relations with Skopje, Sarajevo, Tirana …

“I wish the citizens of Serbia a happy new year,” said the president.


The European way, but maintaining friendship with those who did not turn their back on us

Vučić noted that it is important to preserve the peace, security and freedom of citizens and to try to achieve the best possible results.

He says that Serbia has the best performance in Europe in terms of growth rate, and that he is proud to be the president of a country that is the European champion in the most important way.

“The last time I spoke with Angela Merkel, I was happy for her reaction,” the president said.

He says he believes that this will encourage us on the European path, but also that we will maintain friendship with those who did not turn their back on us when it was most difficult.

Vučić said that many more important things must be done and that he is proud that Serbia is not short of respirators or medicine during the pandemic.

He added that no one in the Western Balkans except Serbia has the vaccine, and that they will have it only in January, and Serbia started vaccination earlier than some in the EU.

He believes that thousands of technical problems that everyone faces will be overcome.


Continuation of the work to attract investors

It is important to continue attracting foreign investors, Vučić said, adding that he has a list of investors who will come next year.

He noted that he was satisfied that the landscape in Banat had changed and that he hoped there would be forces to do the same in North Banat.

As he said, the reform of large strategic public companies is also important.

He also noted the improvement in the capacity of the food industry.

With regard to the judiciary, he mentioned mediation, litigation, the increase in judges, but also digitization.

“It is very important to continue investing in smaller sports and to continue to dominate the big sports at the regional level,” Vucic said.

He points out that he will have to invest more in handball, volleyball, water polo …

He also announced work on the development of tourism in the Danube region, in the Ovčar-Kablar gorge, in Vinča …


On infrastructure, energy, education …

Vučić says four roads are currently being built and the stretch from Čačak to Požega is expected to be completed next year.

He points out that work is also being done on the country’s expressways, and the Moravian Corridor is also advancing.

He also mentioned the Kuzmin – Sremska Raca highway, adding that a complete bridge is being built over the Sava.

The President also hopes that the Belgrade-Novi Sad railway will be completed next year and that we will be able to follow that railway in early March.

He also announced investments in energy and the construction of a gas pipeline.

The president also said that special attention should be paid to greater investment in education and dual education.


Immunization of the population as soon as possible

The goal is to vaccinate the population as soon as possible, Vučić said, adding that health centers will also be rebuilt.

During January, expect new deliveries of “Pfizer” vaccines, every seven days.

I believe that in January we will be able to protect the largest number of people who work in the covid system, said Vučić.

She adds that the first quantities of vaccines from Russia are expected before the end of the year, but points out that it means nothing until she gets permission from the Medicines Agency.

He emphasizes that additional quantities of vaccines are expected and that negotiations are under way with other Western and Chinese manufacturers.


The goal is to increase average wages

Aleksandar Vučić said the goal is for average wages to reach the level between 560 and 570 euros by the end of the year, with 690 euros in Belgrade.

He announced that as of January 1, the salaries of health injuries will be higher by five percent, and the remaining three percent. It also says that there will be a new salary increase on April 1.

He also says that the 6.6 percent increase in the minimum wage is very significant.

He says the goal is for pensions to be higher.

He announced the construction of new hospitals and clinical centers. He says hospitals are being renovated in several cities and that most of them will be finished next year.

In August 2021, the first phase of KCS ends, and a year later, the second phase, the president said.


Big and ambitious plans

Despite difficult, complex and complex regional and international issues, the priority is preserving peace, but at the same time vital national and state interests, Aleksandar Vučić said at the press conference.

He added that he is convinced that he and the Government will achieve the best results that will guarantee the Serbian people security and a good future.

Vučić pointed out that the second objective is to take care of the health of citizens and how to beat kovid 19, but also to improve the health system.

As a third important objective, he pointed to a greater improvement in the standard of living of citizens, increased wages, pensions and investments in cleaner air, better roads, railways, gas pipelines …

The president expects Serbia to finish next year with a growth rate of six percent, and that public debt will not exceed 60 percent of GDP.
