CarGo introduced 50 new hybrid vehicles


The president of the CarGo Citizens Association, Aleksandar Vučić, presented 50 new hybrid “Toyota Camry” vehicles, which are part of the CarGo fleet as of today, and thanks to which 100 people worked directly.

Furthermore, to mitigate the economic consequences of the crown, the CarGo system has also employed another 150 people in the past seven days, making the number of newly created jobs a total of 250, it was said.

“One week after the end of the state of emergency, we are living up to our promises. Our association’s mission is to bring people together and provide assistance,” said Vucic.

LoadSource: Andrej Nihil

He noted that around 3,000 people requested cooperation and that CarGo will do everything possible to allow a phased partnership for all of them.

“Our business is embodied in one phrase: a partnership to work. That is why another 250 people will soon be employed through our association’s new service: CarGo Butler, which will allow ordering food from the market and food from restaurants without leaving their homes”. President CarGo said.

Vučić added that the target remains unchanged and that the CarGo fleet will consist of electric and hybrid cars by 2023, which have lower consumption and innovative technology to reduce the amount of exhaust gases.

“This is an investment that is divided into a greater number of tranches. CarGo is self-sustainable and we will do everything possible to preserve the ability to independently finance investments,” said Vucic and announced more projects that will encourage further development and employment in Serbia.
