How the monster CHANGED us


In 2020 we work from home. The children listened to the lessons online. We spent summers in Serbia, we were isolated from those closest to us, and since March, when the first case of the coronavirus was registered in our country, we live with a constant feeling of fear and uncertainty. This year is coming to an end, and when we fold the sheets and draw the line, it’s easy to conclude that 2020 is the year that, instead of lobsters, was eaten by the crown.

For some, life is stagnant, while workers on the front line face a terrifying new norm. Many of us have spent most of this year trying to adjust to the radical lifestyle changes that the virus has brought. But also, with the definitive arrival of the vaccine, we are beginning to think about the end of the crisis and what the world will be like after that. So now, as we count down the last days of December, is the right time to round up opinions on how the pandemic has changed the way we think about various aspects of life and work.

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Play with fear

The initial confrontation with the hitherto unknown virus, which was followed very quickly by a state of emergency followed by a curfew, provoked various emotions. Fear, anxiety, fear, anger, distrust, concern for maintaining health … Even those much more expert than the ordinary world could not understand what kind of virus it is, so certain statements, made without the last intention, are only among people in those first months of the epidemic. the level of fear and anxiety among citizens increased.

– It is obvious that we play a game, a scary game, or better yet a scared game, if we look at our relationship with the crown. From the attitude “it is nonsense”, “nobody can do anything to us”, “we are genetically resistant”, going through “we have connections with the centers of power”, to fleeing to the burrows … Unknown and deadly, lasting, it changed our daily life. , that is, working. We have lost confidence, not without reason, in professional knowledge. We have accumulated fears, anxiety, uncertainty, and we have reacted differently to that according to previous traumatic experiences and personality type, says psychologist Zoran Musterović for “Blic.”

A complete transformation

Months passed, we only heard a little about the virus, and still not enough to ease the feeling of anxiety and mistrust. Now, in addition to fearing for our own health and the health of our loved ones, we have begun to worry about other existential issues: we will lose our job, what our social life will be like, how our children will be educated …

– The corona virus epidemic has brought a state of existential danger, social functioning, survival and professional functioning, family events, education – adds the psychologist Musterović.

Social life has undergone a complete transformation: watching live with friends has been replaced by phone conversations, messages, video calls, and the corona virus epidemic has brought a completely new way of working in schools: online teaching.

– The school managed to maintain continuity, but without the necessary and given knowledge and adequate evaluation, with a very passive role of the students, which the modern school strives to overcome. Students were left without the necessary accompaniment with their peers with whom they are compared, cooperated, imitated, and competed to be more successful in school performance and general psychological development. The professors do not have comments on their lectures, which is important to them when lecturing, Musterović notes.

Photo: Shutterstock / shutterstock

The biggest experiment

The pandemic also resulted in perhaps the largest experiment, work from home, ever conducted in human history. The “new normal” forced us to take advantage of all the advantages of the Internet, we found different ways and platforms to connect with associates, friends, we held business meetings through “Google”, “Zuma” … Employers responded to the needs in somewhat more flexible ways employed. However, many employees were not that lucky, so they lived in constant fear for their work. According to the psychologist, this lasting feeling of worry and threat will surely leave a consequence on everyone, and of what kind it is difficult to predict.

– But it is true that we are fighting harder and harder for the longevity of the situation, and the question is where this anxiety will be located. We see it erupt occasionally as a rebellious protest against various restrictive measures, because when this condition is “combined” with suspicion, paranoid thinking; it manifests as a rebellion. Anxiously sensitive people find it difficult to tolerate this condition in the long term, as well as extroverts, adolescents (who do not like extra restrictions and restrictions), older people (run out of close contacts), poor family relationships are They have become even more at risk, children are deprived of their friends. that are important for psychological development – says Musterović.

Great guild

It is difficult to point to someone without being denied or vulnerable in this long-term event, believes our interlocutor.

– Adjustments were needed at work, in the family, in social life. That we do not adapt well can be seen by the not very good performance. The victim is a loss of trust in closeness, experience, openness, knowledge, goodwill, Musterović notes.

How we will adapt to the “new” old reality when we relive our fears, we will see …

– We will also see if the “old reality” will be a bit new, so that we can easily adapt to it and find the values ​​that were taken for granted. And there is no doubt that we will pay a great guild because we belong to Mediterranean nations that spend a lot of time away from home, hanging out, hugging, sitting – concludes psychologist Zoran Musterović.

VIDEO: Welcome from the crown in 2021
