The girl who was hit by a car in Čačak last night, lost both parents in May IS NOW IN THE HOSPITAL


Čačak – Ten-year-old Bojana M., who was run over by a “golf” driver last night near the outpost of the primary school “Tanasko Rajić” in the Čačak neighborhood of Ljubić, is in stable condition and does not put his life is in danger, so he should soon be discharged for home treatment. . His grandmother, after his late mother, with whom he went to the store at the time, is also in stable health.

photo: RINA

This girl’s family was already discussed in May this year, because Bojana and her sister were left without both parents, and are in the care of their grandmother Milisavka, who is their father and mother.

“I don’t even know how I endured the news that my Bojana was hit by a car in that first moment. The only thing that matters is that my son is alive and that there will be no consequences.” Many accidents have happened in our family, I just hope that God protect my granddaughters, “Bojana’s grandmother Milisavka Marinković told RINA.

For this woman, two girls are everything in the world, she was left without a husband very early, and then without a daughter-in-law and a son. However, she does not complain but does everything for her grandchildren, but the administrative struggle to obtain custody is very difficult and uncertain.

“I turned 65, but I still need a few months of work experience to receive a minimum pension. This summer, the girls received a family pension of 12,000 dinars, and for now that is our only permanent income. I work for a living when there is work. , we manage the way we have to and we don’t complain. We are satisfied with just a little bit of being together. I raised them from an early age and it would all break their hearts to separate and let the children leave home. They may not have some luxury in it, but they have what they need ”, says this grandmother, a heroine.

photo: RINA

By the way, on the stretch of road where the “golf” driver ran over a woman and a child, there is a school attended by students from first to fourth grade, and locals have repeatedly warned about arrogant drivers that they don’t respect speed on the street. one of the busiest. The road leading to the school is missing a section of the pedestrian path, with a total length of up to 500 meters, in the endless curve where grandmothers and grandchildren were injured.


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Author: delivery courier
