ALL OTHER PATIENTS WITH THIS DIAGNOSIS DIE FROM THE CROWN! Dr. Marjana Vukićević: People over 60 usually get sick!


Strokes in people who also have covid are usually serious, the disability is the most serious: deprivation of half the body and inability to speak, and 50 percent of them die.

About 30 percent of severe stroke patients die, and now when they have a stroke and crown, the death rate is about 50 percent. Virtually all other patients who have covid and severe stroke die, he says in an interview for Kurir’s neurologist, Dr. Marjana Vukićević, acting director of “St. Sava” hospital.

And do those who survive both stroke and corona generally have severe disabilities?

– The clinical picture is definitely more difficult in patients with covid. Strokes are usually serious and even disability is the most serious in them. Most of the time it is an attachment to bed, an inability to take care of yourself. It is usually the deprivation of half the body and, very often, the inability to speak.

And is it an irreversible process?

– Unfortunately, irreversible.

In early November, a part of the “Sveti Sava” hospital entered the kovid system. How many patients do you have?

– We have 68 patients and our capacity is 60, we add beds because all the hospitals are full. Among the patients we also have those who only have covid and pneumonia. Three patients were intubated and seven with non-invasive ventilation. Since November 6, when we opened the kovid department, we have had 230 admissions.

How old is the youngest patient with stroke and crown?

– He is 37 years old, but our patients are usually between 60 and 70 years old. The worst prognosis is for those over 80, but there are also those who go home. If they have a severe stroke and severe complications from kovid, survival is minimal.

Thirty-seven years is not long enough to have a stroke.

Photo: Tanjug / Tara Radovanović

– To determine the direct cause and effect relationship with the crown, you need to exclude all other causes of stroke. Especially for young people, because there are genetics and other things. We are still waiting for all the results for that patient to rule out other causes.

What specifically does the crown do to cause a stroke?

– No research in the world has answered this question in detail, but with our observation and some experience in European hospitals, we have concluded that a stroke can occur in the acute phase of the corona and that it is a consequence metabolism most frequently altered at that time. High fever leads to dehydration and if patients have some risk factors for stroke, they are at higher risk of it occurring.

Which are the risk factors?

– Those who have heart problems, with arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, which otherwise accelerates the formation of clots, that is, thrombi. Then there is hypertension: all of our patients have high blood pressure. And they often have diabetes, there are a lot of smokers. So they already have some damage to some extent. Kovid only accelerates all of this in terms of the occurrence of a stroke. However, there are also postcovid conditions, that is, bumps after a crown. We just had a 62 year old patient who had a complete blockage of the carotid artery and the artery in the brain in the post-water phase. He underwent a thrombectomy and thrombi were removed from the blood vessels. Even if he hadn’t recognized the signs and arrived on time, he would hardly have been without serious consequences.

How many crowns do they kill with this delayed action?

– Three weeks after kovida is considered crucial. But we have yet to determine if the coronavirus has any chronic effect on the onset of stroke.

Were you surprised by the number of crowns that form blood clots in the brain?

– No, because as soon as it started with blood clots in the lungs, we immediately thought that it would do the same in the blood vessels of the brain.

Even people who are in treatment at home, asymptomatic or with mild symptoms of covid, suffer strokes.

– These are mostly patients who already have some risk.

What should kovid sufferers at home do to prevent a possible stroke?

– Fluid replacement is extremely important. At least three liters of tea and hot drinks a day, which is instead of those infusions that patients receive in the hospital. It is not enough to sit still, but also to take a little walk around the house to prevent blood clots from forming in the veins. Especially if you have a predisposition to thrombus formation.

And what is the predisposition?

– That the patient or a family member had a thrombosis in the legs – mom, grandmother …

In collaboration with MMA Research

With MMA, you started researching covid and stroke. How far has it come? – With the Academy of Military Medicine, before we became kovid hospitals, we investigated patients who have kovid in hospitals that are not kovid. At that time we were receiving stroke patients, so we determined the crown of some of them with a PCR test. Then we translate them to kovid centers, so we don’t know what the result was. Now we follow the patient almost from beginning to end, that is, until he goes to rehabilitation, at home or until the fatal end, so we will compare both data. We performed laboratory parameters to determine the difference between patients who had a stroke with or without COVID, because they were often admitted without fever. Statistics are still being made.

How much people suffer who are not kovid and have symptoms. Are there more strokes because people are afraid to go to the doctor to avoid catching it?

– Since the beginning of the epidemic, the number of minor blows has decreased. People are afraid to come to us with mild symptoms. But I warn you that these symptoms can appear in a much more serious way very quickly and not to prevent them from appearing. We organize ourselves to avoid any contagion by going to the hospital.

What do these people have to recognize as a sign of a stroke, so they have to go to the hospital right away?

– The easiest and most transient symptoms that can last 10 minutes. That their arm is weak for 10 minutes, that their leg and arm are numb, that they cannot pronounce some words correctly. And that usually goes away on its own, some people take a sedative or an aspirin. However, this is just a sign that the stroke can be much more severe and serious and that they should not avoid going to the hospital for an exam.

Infected doctors 20 workers fell ill

How many infected workers do you have? – Around 20 out of every 450 employees. In fact, there are always around 20 of them, some go back to work and some go on sick leave.
