How do they protect themselves against viruses, how safe are they, and how are they DONE SO FAST?


Serbian scientist Isidora Stanković, a PhD student in biomedical sciences working and studying in the US, has posted answers to all the important questions about RNA vaccines, dispelled myths and misconceptions on the subject, as well as images showing how these coronary vaccines actually build immunity. , all in plain language.

This very useful text on the “Science in Serbia” site is written so that we can all understand it, and here we transmit it in its entirety.

Our scientist first answered the question of what is RNA.

“RNA is a message that tells our cell what kind of protein to create. All the proteins in our cells are formed by translation. (translacijom) RNA molecules and the RNA molecules themselves are formed in the process of transcription. (transcripts) of our DNA into RNA (Figure 1).

Figure 1: made with the help of BioRender

Photo: / Assigned photos

Figure 1: made with the help of BioRender

At any given time, a human cell contains more than 5,000 different RNA molecules that provide it with information about what types of proteins need to be created. Once the RNA is “read” and the protein is created, the RNA molecule is not retained in the cell, but is broken down. So RNA molecules are like messages that we secretly exchange in school classes that would disappear if any of the teachers asked to read them.

RNA vaccines against coronavirus (Pfizer, Modern) contain RNA molecules, ie. information on how to produce the corona virus from protein S. This RNA molecule is found in the lipid bladder, ie. grease. The lipid bladder protects RNA and allows it to enter our cell; When RNA is found in a cell, our cell creates the coronavirus protein S from that RNA information, recognizes it as a foreign body, and then creates an immune response that will fight that protein. . After vaccination, the next time the body encounters the corona virus, which has protein S, it already has a developed immune response.

Important information:

  • RNA vaccines (Pfizer, Modern) do not contain adjuvants, metals, preservatives, stabilizers and others. All of these vaccines contain RNA molecules and lipid particles (all of our cells contain fat). Because vaccines do not contain preservatives or stabilizers, RNA molecules are susceptible to degradation, so it is necessary to store these vaccines at very low temperatures.
  • The RNA information enables the creation of a single coronavirus protein. The complete corona virus contains 29 different proteins, so there is no possibility that the RNA molecules create or cause the virus.
Illustration taken from the Washington Post text, translation - Isidora Stanković.

Photo:, The Washington Post / Photos provided

Illustration taken from the Washington Post text, translation – Isidora Stanković.

A common suspicion I hear from those who comment on the RNA vaccine is that no RNA vaccine has been approved so far and we don’t know the long-term effects.

“A known drug based on RNA technology is spinrase, which is used in spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). In addition, there are at least a dozen clinical studies using specific mRNA molecules as a vaccine for many diseases, from the cancer to infection. Because coronavirus vaccines are based on the same molecule. In other words, the fact that RNA technology is unknown to the general public does not mean that it is unknown to scientists.

Regarding side effects when using Pfizer or modern vaccines, after 43,448 people were tested (Pfizer) me 30,400 (modern), no dangerous side effects. The only side effects described in clinical trials are fever, muscle aches, and fatigue, but they all go away shortly after receiving the vaccine. These “side effects” are actually good news: they mean that the immune system reacts and creates a response to protein S.

Important: Following the administration of the Pfizer vaccine in the UK, 2 cases of temporary adverse reactions occurred in people with a history of anaphylactic shock (severe allergic reactions from various causes), who therefore carry adrenaline injections and do not receive any vaccine.

Here are two answers: First, the coronavirus family has been investigated for decades and we have had a lot of information about them, since this coronavirus is structurally more or less similar to the others, the vaccine was much easier to make.

Another reason: we had unlimited money and resources. In non-pandemic conditions, most of the time that is usually spent approving a new vaccine or drug (5-20 years) is spent on paperwork, applying to various agencies, requesting money for research and testing, hiring volunteers. Most clinical trials of drugs or vaccines are stopped not because they are ineffective, but because they run out of money.. In this situation, everyone is “burning underfoot” to find a solution as soon as possible and an unusual situation occurs that accelerates scientific results: scientists have unlimited resources and manpower, there are many volunteers for clinical trials , all regulatory agencies deal with the coronavirus first. “.

In addition, RNA vaccines are made much faster in laboratories compared to “traditional” vaccines (which contain all the inactivated virus), so we will be able to do billions of doses in a short time.

The question of whether RNA vaccines are safe and effective is an absolute question that must be raised and without which they cannot be administered. The efficacy and safety of vaccines have been studied and are being studied not only by the companies that manufacture them but also by many regulatory agencies around the world made up of scientists, clinicians, pharmacists and by now everyone agrees that these vaccines are safe and effective. The scientists who produce these vaccines themselves publish the results of clinical trials in the form of scientific studies, so that all data and details are available to everyone.

You know the old man: “A picture is worth a thousand words”? The figure below shows the results of the clinical trials of two RNA vaccines, from two different manufacturers. On the y-axis graphs sample the incidence of coronavirus cases, while the x-axis represents the days after vaccination. In the Pfizer / BioNTech charts, the red line represents the unvaccinated and the blue line represents the vaccinated. The incidence of coronavirus in the vaccinated population decreases approximately 10 days after vaccination. “

Photo:, Dr. Eric Topol / Courtesy

“The same protective effect of the vaccine is seen with the RNA vaccine in the lower (modern) box, except that the authors used blue here for the unvaccinated group, that is, the volunteers who received placebo treatment, and the red to represent those who were vaccinated. “

VIDEO: How the Oxford Crown Vaccine Act Really Works
