This is where it is most dangerous and what you MUST do


Through numerous interviews with patients infected with the coronavirus and those who were exposed to it, contact finders obtained significant information about which are the places that pose the greatest risk of spreading the virus.

Their data shows that the locations where people “pick up” Kovid-19 have a wide range. Cases can generally be traced to places where people spend a lot of time meeting, such as business premises, gyms, restaurants, and even their home.

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Their data shows that the locations where people “collect” kovid-19 have a wide range.

Sometimes though, it’s not so obvious, even people who played safe at home and rarely went to the store tested positive, which could show that retail outlets play a bigger role in spreading the virus. what was originally thought.

They gave a list of the most common places where kovid-19 is currently spreading.

Own house

The corona virus spreads easily within the home. One study found that if an infected person lives in your home, you have an 18 percent chance of becoming infected. To minimize the risk of infection, the infected person must be isolated from other members of the family. If you have to enter the room where you are staying, wear protective equipment: gloves, mask and visor.

photo: Shutterstock

Social gatherings

This includes family reunions or gatherings with friends. The risk of infection in such gatherings depends on whether anyone present is infected with the virus. Therefore, smaller gatherings are safer – there is less chance that someone present is carrying the virus.

0514810041, coronavirus, coronavirus, pandemic, epidemic, coffee, corona, protective mask
photo: Profimedia

Restaurants and bars

Numerous contact information posted online has continually revealed that bars and restaurants have played an important role in transmitting the virus. However, not all experiences are the same. The risk is lower if you eat outdoors. If you dine indoors or where the airflow is muffled, that risk increases exponentially.

Gyms and fitness centers

Several states have revealed that gyms are linked to the outbreak. Additionally, a recent study evaluating mobile phone data found that gyms are another risky place where a person can become infected. Restaurants came first.

Churches and religious communities

In religious gatherings, people stay indoors for a long time, and during prayer, most throw drops into the air, so the probability of infection is quite high.

Some jobs

Kovida-19 particles have been found to be able to stay in the air, so even staying in the office with an infected person carries some level of risk. Contact finders discovered that manufacturing plants and warehouses were the source of several epidemics.


It was believed that shopping quickly wasn’t too risky, but as more data is collected, so is the increasingly active debate about how safe it actually is. A Boston study found that grocery store clerks are particularly at risk, since they communicate with a large number of customers, many of whom don’t wear masks the right way.

The corona virus is highly contagious, so no matter where you are, try to limit the time you spend in a certain place and adhere to prescribed epidemiological measures, advises “Huff Post.”

coronavirus shop
photo: Shutterstock, Printscreen post


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Author: delivery courier
