Serbia will not be a punching bag or crawl


PRESIDENT ON CROATIAN WRATH: Serbia will not be a punching bag or tracker

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

KRUSEVAC – You don’t know why they are so angry in Croatia that Serbia is progressing economically a little faster than they are, says President Aleksandar Vucic.

Despite the Croatian media campaign against Serbia and against him personally, Serbia, as he points out, wants the best possible relations with Croatia, but it will not be a “punching bag”, nor will it “crawl” while others go much faster. .

Remember that he does not say anything bad against Croatian officials and wants Croatia to run as fast as possible because, he adds, the stronger they are, the stronger Serbia will be.

“If that is the meaning of it all, if it is necessary to form a coalition of media moguls in Serbia and the media in Croatia, and they see me as the main problem of Serbia’s success, I am grateful to them. We will continue with these successes, their insults to me. motivate I will keep working, “said Vucic.

In response to criticism of the “Belgrade on water” project, Vučić said he wanted Croatia to build something similar in the coming decades. “We will continue to build and build even better,” he said. Vučić also noted that the Croatian media “hit texts” in which they criticized him the most, but also Serbia.

The best relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, but I do not accept the abolition of RS

Vučić declared today that it is of vital importance for Serbia to have the best relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina and that he does not question the integrity of that country with any statement, but that he cannot accept the idea of ​​abolishing the RS.

“I cannot accept the idea of ​​abolishing RS, not only because it is a constitutional obligation of Serbia, but because those who want to abolish RS are going against the will of the Serbian people, but also against stability and peace in the Balkans,” Vucic told reporters in Krusevac. .

When asked why there is a lack of understanding from the political leadership of Bosnia and Herzegovina, noting that the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Valentin Inzko, said that Vucic had not questioned the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a state with no statement for more than a decade, Vucic said he was acting responsibly and seriously. what is respect for the territorial integrity of others and does not want to endanger the position of Serbia.

“Some people in Bosnia and Herzegovina did not respect the integrity of Serbia in that way, but that does not mean that we can be irresponsible and frivolous,” Vucic said.

However, as he said, he cannot accept the idea of ​​abolishing RS and cannot, as a responsible and serious man, keep silent about the fact that some Bosnian officials compare the Serbian representative to Hitler, even though the Serbs are, with a lot, the people who suffer the most in World War II. .

“If everyone in Serbia is silent and pretends it didn’t happen and when they say that they can imagine Bosnia and Herzegovina without RS, then someone who is responsible and serious must say: enough, there are international legal agreements that must be respected.” Vucic said.

He added that Serbia wants the best relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, but that its representatives, instead of saying that RS is part of Bosnia and Herzegovina and that they love it, in order to gain the trust of Serbs, they say in each declaration how to abolish RS.

Vučić stated that it is of vital importance for Serbia to have the closest relations with the Bosnians, and that is why he is trying to understand how the Bosnians feel and for the Serbs to approach them in the best way to form an alliance.

“Make an alliance, if we cannot be a brotherhood, work together and live in the centuries that lie ahead,” Vucic said, emphasizing that the Serbs and Bosnians are very close peoples.

He said that a contract must be signed for the Požega-Duga Poljana-Duga Poljana-Boljare highway, and that after Novi Pazar and Sjenica, Belgrade will be reached in two hours and twenty minutes.

As he says, to get to Sarajevo at that time, Bosnia and Herzegovina must build a highway from Visegrad to Sarajevo, which Serbia cannot help.

“We will help in the northern part towards Bijeljina. We are paying for the bridge over the Sava and we will help with those 19 kilometers to Bijeljina,” Vucic said, adding that the two countries should connect in this way and fight together.


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