The way Saint Nicholas was celebrated is the biggest support! Happy glory to you hosts of Serbia!


DR WITH EARLY DAWN ON FACEBOOK: The way Saint Nicholas was celebrated is the biggest support!  Happy glory to you hosts of Serbia!

Photo: Beta Milan Obradović

BELGRADE – Epidemiologist Predrag Kon, a member of the Crisis Team, expressed his satisfaction today with the way the glory of Saint Nicholas was celebrated in Serbia, emphasizing that this is the greatest support for the heroic health workers of Serbia until now.

“With dignity and lots of spirit, the hosts celebrated the protector of their homes in peace in their homes, preserving health and life. Greater reward and support for health workers could not come at a significant time,” Kon wrote. on Facebook.

He noted that the Serbian Orthodox Church supports life and health with its messages, respecting health workers, and recalled that the Serbian Jewish community also celebrated Hanukkah in silence and in their homes.

“Messages of support must reach all health workers. That is solidarity at the right time. Happy glory to you, hosts of Serbia, once again,” Kon said.

Dr. Kon said today that the potential for the corona virus is slowly diminishing, but cautioned that “we must not allow the situation to get worse.”

The number of infected is declining, Kon says, and today’s and tomorrow’s numbers will likely show fewer infected people due to the weekend, so Tuesday will look more realistic.

“The situation in Belgrade is still unfavorable, sometimes catastrophic, yesterday there were 1,002 new infected in Belgrade, we expect it to fall below a thousand, the maximum has passed, it will be the way we behave. The potential of the virus is slowly falling, But we shouldn’t allow it to make things worse, ”Conn said.

Speaking as a guest on the RTS daily, Kon said that crowds at the borders are common at the moment, but also that there are significantly fewer people coming from Germany and Austria, and “the arrest is a consequence of data entry. exhaustive “. He points out that a few tens of thousands of people, as many as are arriving now, cannot be compared with the 400,000 that were during Holy Week this year. If there is a consequence, they would be significantly less. All citizens should register on the e-health portal. “Kon said.

He recalled that border measures will be intensified, as a PCR test is needed to enter Serbia. “The medical part of the Crisis Staff does not support the flexibility of the measures, the reality is as it is, we are mature people, we’ll see,” added Kon.

As for New Year’s Eve, Kon reveals that the medical part of the Crisis Staff recommended that the state use all its possibilities for the period from 7 pm to 5 am, but so far it is not necessary. “Normal, regular New Year’s Eve is unrealistic. It would be a catastrophic situation if that actually happened,” Kon emphasized.

A contingent of 5,000 doses of vaccines will arrive in Serbia by the end of the year, enough to vaccinate 2,500 people, Kon revealed. “Who will be given the first amounts. When it reaches below 0.1 percent, the most effective dose should be chosen so that it can be administered first and those who are most at risk are chosen,” said the epidemiologist.


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