Belgrade Pharmacy Director: Citizens should not test themselves


The director of the Belgrade Pharmaceutical Institution, Jasminka Bjeletić, warned citizens not to use the tests that are for sale, but to contact health workers.

“This is not about home tests. Pharmacy Belgrade distributes tests that are a medical device, they have a solution from the Agency for Medicines for Marketing. We advise all citizens that a health worker who has medical education must use this test” Bjeletić said. for H1.

Bjeletić says that citizens can call a doctor from a private practice to perform this rapid test, which, as he says, is mainly recommended for cases of asymptomatic signs: mild headaches, fatigue, muscle pain, or if they suspect you have contact with an infected person.

Bjeletić emphasizes that tests that are for sale are not a substitute for PCR tests.

“It is reliable. If it is positive, then it is certainly positive, if it is negative, there may not be a good sampling. You do not have a confirmation, but just a warning that you should immediately go to your therapy if you are positive,” he says.

He adds that yesterday the tests were distributed to some 40 pharmacies in Belgrade and that they quickly sold out.

“We didn’t expect a lot of private surgeries to call us to evaluate their employees, a lot of nursing homes responded as well,” he says.

He explains that there are 24 tests in a box from a South Korean manufacturer and 20 in a box from a Chinese manufacturer.

“Since all pharmacies could have one or two boxes, they disappeared quickly, so last night we ordered new quantities,” he said.

Speaking about how the test is used, Bjeletić said that it has a small chemical in a plastic tube, which is squeezed into a test tube.

In this way, a solution is prepared in which, after immersion, the stick that was previously placed in the nose is placed and the content is gently twisted. With a circular motion, the antigens are transferred into that solution, if applicable. wait up to 30 minutes to see if two lines appear indicating that the test is positive, ”explains Bjeletić.

These tests, he adds, are important in a situation where there is a lot of pressure on health institutions, if someone suspects that they are sick, they can call a health worker or go to a private office to have the test done.

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