Deputy Dveri joined Boško Obradović on a hunger strike


Another member of the Dveri movement, Ivan Kostic, started a hunger strike and joined the leader of the movement Bosko Obradovic, who has been on a hunger strike on the steps in front of the entrance to the Chamber of the National Assembly for three days, demanding Among other things, the postponement of the elections.

“Another Dveri MP is going on a hunger strike, or what would you call me, on a strict fast. I didn’t have a chance to be here yesterday, and the energy and spirit that were here shocked me terribly, watching the mob insult Bosko Obradovic. ” , our family, ancestors, calling the derogatory names of Boško, “said Kostić at the press conference in front of parliament.

As he explained, it turned out that Obradović was left alone.

“And he is not alone, he never was. And in this way we want to show that we continue to fight for our ideals with the same example. And you can see how strong the ideals of the SNS parliamentarians, who lasted two days, are,” added Kostic. .

According to him, Dveri will continue to fight “not only for the electoral conditions, not only for the freedom of the media, but also for a change in the entire system.”

Kostic said he wants a change in behavior between people who think differently and not, as he says, like now, when they are harassed in all spheres, because they think the same.

“Whoever does not think like Aleksandar Vučić is harassed,” said Kostić.

When asked about the criminal charges filed due to the events that took place before parliament on Friday, when, among other things, his jacket was torn, Deputy Marijan Risticevic, Kostic said: “There was no violent behavior on Friday, what Risticevic did for four years with his lack of culture, because he has no moral weight to tell anyone. “

“It is just an agreement between the SNS members, to make it an excuse for Martinovic to end the hunger strike. And he himself said that he was not satisfied. So when he is not satisfied, then he should have been here and more,” said the MP. Doors

Kostic also says they will continue the hunger strike until the demands are met.

“Everything that the SNS promised not only to us, in the assembly, but also to the people, were false promises, so we did not expect anything from them. We want to show people that there are people who are willing to sacrifice themselves for their ideals, “he concluded. Kostic

Remember SNS MP Aleksandar Martinović left the hunger strike today. Before making his decision, Martinović read the statement of the First Basic Prosecutor’s Office, which states that he took evidentiary measures because there is a well-founded suspicion that violence was committed against Deputy Marijan Risticevic and Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar in front of the Assembly on 8 of May.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić called yesterday Martinović and his colleague Sandra Božić joined to end the hunger strike on Sunday, after Boško Obradović and Mladen Ševarlić went on a hunger strike. SNS deputies demanded that the prosecution initiate proceedings against the people who participated in the riots during the Dveri rally in front of the Serbian Parliament on Friday.

Town deputy Following President Vučić’s invitation, Sandra Božić abandoned the hunger strike last night, and Martinović then said he would think about it.

In front of the Serbian Assembly building the gendarmerie separated the supporters last night Serbian progressive parties and a small group of people who came to support Dveri leader Bosko Obradovic.
