Politika Online – Turkish Stream gas will arrive in Serbia by the end of the year


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced tonight that on December 29 or 30 of this year, Russian gas will be released from the Turkish stream to Serbia, noting that our country, despite various pressures, will continue to import Russian gas, because is the most favorable.

When asked by journalists whether the restrictions announced by the Americans, that is, the introduction of sanctions for the use of gas from the Turkish stream, will affect Serbia, Vučić emphasized that Russian gas has always been the most favorable for Serbia and that You will not buy more expensive gas because of other people’s political interests.

“If you are going to offer us cheaper gas, that’s fine, but nobody has ever offered it to us … And let’s stop buying Russian gas and tell people ‘now you will pay a lot and you will have gas twice as expensive …” No I am a fool and will not humiliate the country in that way, “Vucic told a joint conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

He noted that Serbia is ready for talks, but that it will never agree to buy another gas if it is not of sufficient quality and cheap like Russian.

Vučić noted that Serbia has excellent relations with partners within the “Turkish Stream” project, adding that our country is building its own gas pipeline on its own land, and that no one will prohibit Serbia from “inserting pipelines in its own country”.

“Paying a fraud and buying gas for double the price just because someone in the world likes it, I won’t do it while I’m alive,” Vucic stressed.

He recalled that Serbia has used Russian gas through Ukraine and Hungary so far, which has always been the most favorable, and that Russian President Vladimir Putin said during the “Ukrainian crisis” that Serbia does not have to worry, because it will find a way to Russia. the gas reaches our country.

He says that whenever the Americans asked him why Serbia didn’t import other gas, he replied that he had no problem negotiating the purchase of non-Russian gas, but that it had to be favorable.

He notes that Serbia has not received such an offer so far.

“By the end of the year, we will open our gas pipeline, the gas will flow, people will be warm in their homes, our industry will function, the Serbian economy is progressing and it will be number one in Europe.” That is why we will buy whatever is of national interest and not foreign, “concluded Vučić, reports Tanjug.
