“While I bleed for you”; The arrested person published a video before the chaos in front of the Assembly


Belgrade – In front of the main entrance of the House of the National Assembly, PB (41) was arrested today

Source: B92



He got out of the car after the incident and began to flee to Pioneer Park, with the media reporting that he fled with a bar in hand, shouting “Ministers, get out.”

Earlier, on his Facebook profile more than two hours ago, he posted a video showing bloody fingers.

“It’s decided, hello! How long am I going to bleed for you, eh, more? How long? Everyone on the street today! Whoever does not go out on the street will be taken to the street! Do you have a headache , Tebra? Brufen! ” “Party! It’s happening today!” He said in a video post.

“All you have to do is introduce yourself. From apartment to apartment, no harassment. Get out, man! How long can I bleed for you, man? Today,” the arrestee yelled.

The suspect was detained for up to 48 hours and will be taken to the competent prosecutor’s office.

In recent hours, the suspect has been calling to the streets on his Facebook profile and in various posts.

“Go, brothers and sisters,” it was announced more than two hours ago.

Before, he wrote: “Everyone to the streets, carnival, atmosphere!”, “Come in!”
