What do people with kovid who receive treatment at home need to know?


Visiting in Chronicle of Belgrade Dr. Ana Jeremić from the kovid ambulance in Voždovac and prof. Dr. Dino Tarabar, who works in the red zone of the “Dragiša Mišović” hospital, says that patients should not be treated alone and should not stay at home for long.

If someone has a very high temperature of 39, 40, severe chest pain, if they cough three days is enough to wait for me to come to the ambulance. If the symptoms are milder, the temperature varies between normal and slightly elevated, if the symptoms are coughing and scratching in the throat, loss of the sense of smell, these are signs that you can still wait those three days and maybe more, explains Dr. Jeremic.

He adds that patients can call the Kovid clinic at any time and receive advice on what to take from vitamins, therapy and when to go for an exam.

Dr. Dino Tarabar says it is the question of the use of antibiotics in the first days is debatable. If it is an exclusively viral disease, antibiotics are not necessary.

“We generally give them to older people where we hope that bacterial superinfections will protect them from further complications. Sometimes the viruses that we treat with antibiotics can cause us a problem by causing the antibiotics to destroy the saprophytic bacterial flora and the clinical picture. it will get worse, “explains Dr. Tarabar. .

He adds that it is very difficult for first-line physicians to assess whether or not an antibiotic should be given.

“The clinical picture of colds, flu, coexistence can be exactly the same at the same time. It is not easy to evaluate it based on the first contact. It takes much more to see the patient, see the clinical picture, the laboratory findings , the blood count and ce-er-pe. You don’t have to listen to anything in your lungs and that can be misleading, “explains the doctor.

Not all patients can get a scan

He emphasizes that they had experiences at KBC “Dragiša Mišović” that they did not see anything in the patients who had X-rays, and on the same day the scan was performed, they saw bilateral pneumonia.

“However, not all patients can have a scan. It is not necessary. If an experienced doctor deems it necessary, then it is absolutely necessary because it is a big mistake to be late. If it is late and if we arrive in the next seven days, because we saw that on the seventh day there is an improvement or a worsening, if they come in serious condition, it can really be life threatening ”, says Dr. Dino Tarabar.

He says doctors are sometimes wrong. “We lost some colleagues who stayed at home longer and came with severe pneumonia, they ended up with a respirator and that was not good. So it is not wise to stay home for a long time and receive treatment at home, ”says the doctor.

Dr. Ana Jeremic says yes patients are referred for a lung x-ray when necessary and when they hear something suspicious.

“When a patient complains of a prolonged cough that lasts throughout the day, when there is a feeling of tightness, fatigue, pain, pressure in the chest and there is information that he may have been in contact with someone who is positive, it is mandatory a feverish state that lasts two or three days. an x-ray of the lungs is being done, “explains Dr. Jeremic.

He adds that if the patient tests positive for antibody tests or a PC test, then a more detailed observation is addressed.

If the radiograph is good, the patient is monitored in the following days and a control laboratory is performed. Sometimes that image changes, says the doctor, and the patient himself feels discomfort and other times not. When his status changes, he is sent to a pulmonologist, to the Infectious Diseases Clinic, where additional scans and diagnoses are performed.

How often the blood is checked

It depends on the initial clinical picture how often patients undergoing home treatment should have blood tests.

Dr. Jeremić explains that if the patient has important parameters, high ce-er-pe (CRP), low leukocytes, lymphocytes, it is necessary to perform a blood test more frequently. These are parameters that show whether it is a bacterial or viral infection.

“Anyone who has any questions about their health can call the clinic and get the appropriate information. Of course, if you want to avoid order in the Health Center, you can do it in private, but if the doctor tells you. No one should be treaty”. There are suitable medical personnel who can advise you, “advises a doctor from the Kovid clinic in Voždovac.

He adds that previous experiences show that children generally have milder symptoms but a more serious clinical picture may develop and hospitalization is required.

The doctor says symptoms should be controlled. If it is a prolonged temperature, when the child does not want to eat or drink, if they are schoolchildren, he will complain and say what he feels.

What vitamins to take

Dr. Tarabar cautions that yes Vitamins De and Ce, magnesium, selenium, zinc, probiotics should be taken.

Vitamin De is anti-inflammatory and should be taken regularly during winter.

“It is good to take it preventively and not only if we are infected. When there is no sun, there is a drop in vitamin. 2,000 units are administered a day preventively. I recommend up to 5 to 6 grams of vitamin C a day. They should not be take all supplements at the same time. -Vitamin and magnesium should not be taken in the morning but in the afternoon. Probiotics are mandatory, especially with antibiotics, “explains the doctor in the red zone of the” Dragiša Mišović “hospital.
