United against kovid proposed measures for the New Year holidays


The United Against Covid Association requires the Government of Serbia and the Ministry of Health that as of December 15, when the current measures expire, take a “decision to prevent further transmission of the virus in the next holiday period by adopting rigorous measures in the whole country”. time to organize the logistics for the implementation of these measures, as well as to carry out a campaign to raise awareness among the population, especially young people, about the importance of the measures and refrain from the usual activities in this period ”.

“Experimentally, the measures adopted are poorly implemented and respected, so it is currently an imperative if we want to save people’s lives, as well as the health system that is about to be shot,” states in an open letter Unidos contra Kovid and indicate the proposed measure for the next vacation.

Measures for the New Year holidays

– Continue with the measure to prohibit meetings for more than five people in a group outdoors and for more than ten people indoors if there are conditions for four square meters per person.

– Close all catering facilities (except home delivery) for three weeks from December 18, 2020 to January 8, 2021.

– Close all facilities except grocery stores, pharmacies and gas stations from 9 pm on December 30, 2020 until 7 am on January 2, 2021.

– Introduce the prohibition of movement of the population from 5:00 p.m. on December 31 to 7:00 a.m. on January 1 and, where appropriate, from 5:00 p.m. on January 1 to 7:00 a.m. on January 2.

Measures for people to enter Serbia

– Introduce a mandatory negative PCR test no longer than 48 hours, for entry to the country at least until the end of January 2021, depending on the situation and longer.

– Demand a mandatory quick medical check-up when crossing the border (boarding a plane) by filling in a document in which passengers guarantee that they do not have symptoms and leave their personal and contact information. This document must be requested by each airline or carrier to verify before the passenger enters the vehicle, as well as to prohibit the entry of passengers if they present any of the symptoms. The border police would collect such a document from each passenger for possible later contact in case someone turns out to be contagious. The carrier would be liable (and sanctioned) if it happened that one of the passengers filled in for symptoms and was allowed to travel, so that would lead to stricter controls.

– Introduce rapid non-contact body temperature monitoring when crossing the border, which can identify people who are at the onset of the disease (or who have agreed that they have no symptoms). People who have a high body temperature (and if the above measure was followed, there shouldn’t be many) should be tested with rapid antigen tests on site.

– In the event of a positive test from a person with symptoms, it is mandatory to test all persons on the plane / bus / car traveling together with a positive passenger (relatives or who are in the company of a positive Ag passenger) by PCR in situ. Other passengers of these vehicles, who traveled with an Ag positive passenger, must be quarantined for the next 10 days and, in case of symptoms, they must be analyzed by a PCR test.

– If the antigen test is negative for a person with symptoms, it is advisable to perform a PCR test, so in case of a positive result, it is necessary to contact all the people with whom that person traveled (from the middle of previous transport) and your contacts to be tested.

– For all the positives in the antigen test, as well as the negatives who are awaiting the result of the PCR test, the necessary measure is the mandatory quarantine.

– It is not advisable to use rapid antigen tests to screen all people entering the country, because these tests have been shown to be not sensitive enough if the prevalence is low. They should be used when there is a reasonable suspicion of covid, e.g. Eg if someone has symptoms of a respiratory viral illness.

Objective of the proposed measures

According to United Against Covid, the goal of preventing transmission of the virus is to minimize the number of risky contacts.

“As we know that there are asymptomatic carriers of the virus (they never develop any symptoms) and presymptomatic (before they develop symptoms, which can be several days), it is possible that an apparently healthy person, due to risky behavior and non-compliance with the measures spread without hindrance. ” It has been shown that an infected person can transmit the virus to several (usually up to 6, depending on the amount of virus that it secretes) from other people, which is a very high degree of contagion ”, it is stated.

United against kovid reminds that this is true in everyday life and can change under special conditions.

“For example, if a germ carrier stays indoors for a long period of time with dozens of people, especially in an environment like a celebration, it can infect many more than 6 people. Otherwise, high-transmission events disease are massive gatherings with many people on a small scale. space (for example, concerts, celebrations, etc.) In the case of the celebration of Saint Nicholas, New Years, Christmas and other celebrations in which the vast majority of the population, even if the ban on catering and meeting facilities is respected and a mass reception is not organized, much less the celebration at home (with the use of public transport, songs, congratulations …) would have a similar effect on the spread of the disease as a massive concentration, ”the statement said.

The association emphasizes another important aspect that must be taken into account: that many Serbian citizens come from abroad.

“We should definitely expect a large influx of them during the holidays, especially since at that time there were non-working days in Europe due to Christmas. Another reason is the fact that Serbian citizens who do not live in Europe are still prohibited from entering the EU since the beginning of the epidemic “. It means that many families since the beginning of the pandemic have no other way of seeing each other than for our people to come to Serbia. The entry of our citizens cannot be prohibited, but the transmission of the virus must be prevented in these situations, “concludes the United Against Covid Association.

Appeal to citizens: Stay home

United appeal against kovid we transmit in its entirety:

“We United Against Kovid, red zone health workers, have an important message for you.

Stay home the nights between December 31 and January 2. Celebrate the New Year with those with whom you normally live. Do not go to restaurants, bars, clubs, private celebrations and public gatherings.

Large numbers of people are infected, the infection spreads every day, hospitals are full, we are running out of power.

There will be more celebrations, there will be more new years. We need to welcome them alive and well. Those who manage the epidemic are not prepared to respect and implement the prescribed measures. Let the restaurants remain empty, because you listen to your common sense and you stay at home, with your family.

Common sense does not need a “curfew” or a state of emergency. This is an extraordinary, truly extraordinary situation and it concerns us all.

Show solidarity with healthcare workers, show that you are responsible, by staying home for the holidays and celebrating your baptism this winter at home, with your family, without inviting guests.

Treat all victims of this epidemic with reverence. Toast to the health of everyone you love, to the health of those who wish you the best and your health, and wish everyone a much better and better New Year.

Stay healthy – at home! “

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
