Money raised for the treatment of little Minja


The news about the funds raised was posted on the Instagram profile “For Minja’s opportunity.” The cure for Mina’s disease costs a whopping $ 2.4 million and is the most expensive drug in the world.

“Wonderful people around, we can say planets, THANK YOU for everything. We have shown that we CAN. Minja has managed to unite the hearts of all of you, and the result is OUR JOINT SUCCESS. Above all, as parents of our Minja, we want to address all of you and we say THANK YOU, ”Mina’s parents wrote on Instagram.

They thanked each SMS, payment, bazaar, auction with which money was raised since August 12, when the fight began.

“We cannot describe an immeasurable joy in words. You saved a LIFE! Rejoice, people, be proud, once again you have shown that together we CAN do everything! Minja sends you many kisses, and soon the strongest hug”, says the ad.

Little Minja Matić from Kragujevac suffers from a rare and progressive neuromuscular disease – spinal atrophy type 1. She is now receiving the spinraza drug, which is available and free in Serbia.

The devices help her breathe, she has difficulty swallowing and, according to the doctor, is making little progress. The drug exists only in the United States and costs $ 2.4 million.

At the beginning of this year, caring citizens raised millions of funds for the treatment of little Sofia, Anika, Lana. We hope that the human race does not stand still and that other children are provided healthier lives and the therapy they need.
