WE ARE NOT STILL AWARE THAT THIS IS HAPPENING! The parents of Minja de Kragujevac are delighted by the success of the action and the departure of their daughter to the clinic in the United States.


This is what little Minja Matić’s mother (1), Živka, told “Novosti” today, after the news that money had been raised for her daughter’s treatment in the United States. Thus, a girl from Kragujevac, suffering from a serious and rare disease, type 1 spinal muscular atrophy, will go to America and receive a dose of the drug “Zolgensma”, the most expensive in the world, which costs 2.1 million dollars.

Minja united the hearts of all of Serbia, so for months bazaars, concerts and numerous humanitarian actions were organized in order to travel to the United States for treatment. After the good news that the humane people of Serbia once again, for the third time this year, showed their most beautiful faces, the parents of this brave girl, Zivko and Ivan, were the happiest on Wednesday.

– We are beginning to prepare for the trip to the United States, so that Minja can receive therapy with this expensive drug and continue her fight for life and a happy childhood. Preparations are underway, we are in contact with the doctor, we are about to do a PCR test, although we do not know exactly when we will leave – Zivka Matic told us Wednesday.

After several months of great struggle, when they received encouraging news, little Minja’s parents announced themselves for the first time on the Facebook page “For Minja’s chance” on Wednesday:

– The day has finally come, that hour, that moment in which we want to tell you everything – thank you. We did it! Funds were raised for Mina’s future, they wrote. – Wonderful people around, we can say, planets, thanks for everything. We have shown that we can. Minja managed to unite the hearts of all of you and the result is our mutual success. First of all, as parents of our Minja, we want to address all of you and thank you for each SMS, thank you for each payment, for each bazaar, each auction, each box, each type of commitment, from sharing publications, talking about Minja . , make bazaar packages, record video calls to send SMS. Thanks to the “Mina team” who started this fight with us exactly on August 12th. A team that has been expanding day by day and that now forms a true army of people who knew that we would succeed, that Minja would succeed.


Words cannot describe immeasurable joy. You saved a life! Rejoice, be proud, once again you have shown that together we can do everything. Minja sends everyone lots of kisses, and soon the strongest hug, Minja’s parents Živko and Ivan Matić wrote on Wednesday.


AFTER the wonderful news that money has been raised for their daughter’s treatment, little Minja’s parents asked the human people of Serbia to help come together again to raise money for Oliver Pal Gajodi’s treatment (1), who also suffers from type 1 spinal muscular atrophy. I can do it by sending an SMS message to 3030 with the indication 848, payment to the account in dinars 160-6000000732419-36, foreign currency 160600000073285198.

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