Is this the Belgrade citizen with the most properties? When you see how much tax he paid, everything will be clear to you



07.12.2020. 12:21

Last year, the highest tax paid in Belgrade was 67,000 euros.


accountant, Photo: Hello! / Dejan Briza

The highest property tax this year was paid by a Belgrade citizen who owns almost 6,000 square meters of houses., apartments, garages and building land. As “Blic Biznis” finds out, his tax decision was exactly 5,106,816 dinars, which is a little more than 43,000 euros!

This taxpayer paid the tax on four bases: for a total of 288 square meters of apartments, he paid 151,104 dinars, while for houses with an area of ​​1,278 square meters, he paid a tax of 4,022,095 dinars.

The same taxpayer paid just over 10,000 dinars in taxes for the garage, as well as nearly a million dinars for a 4,382-square-meter building site. These data were also confirmed to us by the Secretary of Public Revenue.

Building land, 4,382 m2 – taxes 923,138 dinars
residential houses, 1,278 m2 – tax 4,022,095 dinars
apartments, 288 m2 – taxes 151,104 dinars
garage, 50 m2 – tax 10,479 dinars

Last year, the highest tax paid in Belgrade was 67,000 euros. The taxpayer owned some 3,500 square meters of apartments and houses and more than 340 square meters of garages.

Taxpayers generally receive property tax decisions for the current year in March, April, or May. However, the terms are the same for everyone, so you must settle the obligation according to the values ​​of last year’s solution.

When the new one arrives, you can compare and see if you need to pay a certain amount or you may have already overpaid the required amount, so you can reduce the next installment.

The property tax is paid, by the way, quarterly, within 45 days from the day of the beginning of the quarter, so that the installments are due around the 15th of the month: February, May, August and November.

For each day of delay in the payment of property tax, the taxpayer pays default interest, which currently amounts to 9.25 percent per year.

A fine of 5,000 dinars is foreseen for evading the payment of property tax.

Otherwise, taxpayers who want to can pay the full amount of the annual tax at one time, for example, at the beginning of the year, and in that case they do not have to take into account the quarterly installments later.

Tax on barns, sheds, swimming pools

According to the new regulations, next year citizens will be exempt from taxes for facilities for food production: space for raising animals, smokehouses, pantries for animal feed, barns … If the owners rent these facilities, must pay taxes.

The tax will also have to be paid on other yard facilities, such as boiler rooms, wells, basements, swimming pools. These auxiliary facilities will be classified in the same group as garages, and their average prices are determined by municipalities and cities based on the traffic in each area.

Penalties for debts over 1,300 euros

Every year, citizens of Serbia, in addition to real estate tax, also pay tax on vehicles, boats, weapons, personal income tax, apartment rental tax …

The terms are different, as well as the amount of the obligations, and penalties, misdemeanors and criminal charges are prescribed for delay or evasion of payment. The penalties for debts for certain taxes are higher than 1,300 euros.
