Sandra Božić ended hunger strike, Martinović continues


Aleksandar Martinović said during his speech to the media about the parliamentary steps, where he was on strike since yesterday, that he heard that Aleksandar Vučić asked him and Sandra Božić to end the hunger strike.

“I ask my colleague to end the strike and obey the president of our party. Thanks to her, she showed great strength and courage, the women of the SNS showed great strength, enthusiasm and energy to make Serbia even better and move even stronger. ” said the head of the parliamentary group SNS.

Martinovic said he had not yet decided whether to end the hunger strike.

“The decision is too difficult, because we did not come here to make a move, but to fight for the prosecution to start reacting to the fascist outbursts of Djilas and Obradovic and their thugs,” said Martinovic, reiterating that he was not ready to decide yet. without stopping. hunger strike

After addressing Martinović, Sandra Božić told reporters that she would listen to the request of Vučić and her colleague Martinović and end the hunger strike.

She said the decision is made by “heavy hearts” because the fight she waged with her party colleague is sincere and, as she says, refers to the future of Serbia.

She added that despite the end of the strike, she maintains the request that the Prosecutor’s Office, as she says, start doing her job.

Aleksandar Martinović and Sandra Božić started a hunger strike because, as they say, the prosecution does not react to the fact that Boško Obradović and a group of hooligans attacked MP Marijan Rističević on Friday, shot him down, shot him, caused serious bodily injury and tried to kill him.
