The detonation of the unfortunate worker was thrown a few meters away and tore off his head and shoulder (PHOTO)


TERRIBLE!  EXPLOSION SLIP SUNDAY: Detonation threw the unfortunate worker a few meters away and ripped off his head and shoulders (PHOTO)

Photo: Zorana Jevtić, Stefan Stojanović, Kurir

– A terrible detonation echoed in the center of the city. According to unofficial information, the workers went on television to repair the air conditioning system – says the source, adding that the CO2 gas bottle most likely exploded while the workers were removing it from the car.

– The gas is believed to have leaked. Nedeljko T. and Zoran P. were outside the car the bottles were brought in at the time. According to one version, the bottle exploded in the vehicle itself, and according to another version, the detonation echoed when the workers started cooking, the source explains.

parking lot where the explosion occurred
parking lot where the explosion occurredphoto: Zorana Jevtić

NP, who was nearby, was slightly injured because he was hit by shrapnel. – On Sunday, the explosion threw a few meters away and tore off his head, shoulder and part of his arm, while his colleague’s head was seriously injured and he was transferred to the Emergency Center – says the source. MP, who worked on the renovation of the nearby Fifth Gymnasium, was the first to come to the rescue with his colleagues.

Residents of the surrounding buildings our windows fell out

Tenants in the building directly behind RTS say their apartments were also damaged in the blast.

– It just rumbled at once and double windows fell all over our building. Our apartments are full of glass – said the tenant.

– We heard a detonation and we flew towards the television. The sight was horrible, the man’s head and some other parts of his body were cut off, it was clear to me that he was dead. We tried to help his colleague, who was asking for help, we took him to the entrance of RTS and handed him over to the doctors there – says the surprised witness and continues: – His head was open and bloody, his arm was also injured. I told him all the time that everything would be fine, but I saw that his head was also injured – adds MP

The fire broke out

Eyewitnesses say they saw that workers in the RTS parking lot have bottles that are used during welding, and they thought they pulled out three.

firefighters were on RTS for hours
firefighters were on RTS for hoursphoto: Stefan Stojanović

– When it exploded, we got closer, the fire that broke out after the explosion was still burning. Part of the building was destroyed, several cars were ruined – say the workers, who were taken from the construction site to the street, because, as they said, there was still the danger of a new explosion at that time.

place of tragedy
place of tragedyphoto: Courier

The company “Ening Energetika” confirmed that it was their workers.

– We don’t know anything else, and the director went to the scene of the accident – said the worker crying.

Ministry of Labor The circumstances of the accident are being determined

Inspectors of the Inspectorate went to the scene of the accident immediately after learning that the explosion had occurred on Aberdareva Street, reported in the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs. – Once all the circumstances in which the accident occurred have been determined, the public will be informed – added in the ministry. Jelena Ivic /

Photo: Zorana Jevtić, Stefan Stojanović, Kurir

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
