Minister Lončar sent the strongest appeal yet!



11/05/2020 19:43

We have not ended the crown virus epidemic, Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar said, noting that there will be no case of the crown virus in Serbia on June 15, if citizens adhere to the measures.

Coronavirus in Serbia

Coronavirus in Serbia, Photo: Alo / Dejan Briza

Commenting on the fact that epidemiologist Predrag Kon said that citizens began to relax too early, Lončar said it was absolutely true.

He believes that a large part of citizens adhere to the measures, but that part understood the relaxation of the measures as if the pandemic had ended.

“We are not done with the epidemic. The latest assessment from our most respected epidemiology professors at the Faculty of Medicine is that if we stick to the measures of keeping your distance, wearing a mask indoors and washing your hands, according to the current parameters, we would not have anyone infected on June 15. ” Loncar told TV Prva.

He added that it is not possible to talk about victory over the crown virus, emphasizing that not only Serbia can solve that problem, but that the region, Europe and the whole world must do the same.

Zlatibor Lončar

Zlatibor Lončar, Photo: Tanjug

He called on citizens not to relax and be careful and pleasant.

Loncar added that the state did everything it could and saved human lives.

He assessed that the situation in all hospitals in Serbia is currently satisfactory and that the system is working.

As he said, anyone who has a problem, which needs to be resolved urgently, can go to one of the health institutions for help.

“We have taken all measures to make it safe for both health workers and patients,” said Loncar, thanking all health workers in Serbia for all they have done.
